Saturday, April 19, 2008

Winter is only six months away..or not gone

Silk, hanging low this morning ...still a bit under the weather from her sore back, but mostly trying to play dodge with Mindy.
We have Pete and Elli's doberman, Mindy for the day while they attend their annual Snow and Shine...ooops make that Show and Shine in downtown Nelson. Below, Mindy has a nap for fifteen minutes. Otherwise she is mostly wanting to play with Silky, who wants no part of it...just finds a corner to hunker down in.

First thing this morning we woke up to the lovely sight of snow falling

Taken about 10:30 am, you can see in the bottom pic that the snow is getting substantially deeper.

Looks like a day to lie low...and order stuff from catalogues and Yves Rocher. They have a cute satin-like robe as the freebie using the promotion key # can never have too many cover-ups.
Time to go doodle away the day...indoors... I think I'll start with cleaning out my bathroom cabinets...
"The Creator"
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