Thursday, July 24, 2008

More photos...

Josh, alll grown up, with sister MAckenzie

A popcorn birthday for MAckenzie

All the kids

Eva and Dave... before they left

Just rounded up more pics from my Picasa albums... there are thousands that I need to put onto a cd... one of these days when my computer nearly dies from exhaustion...which it is getting close to.
So a huge stormy day yesterday that gave everything a drink and smashed my flower pots down quite well...but today the sun is back out,s o life will once again return to hot, hot, hot...
Tonight is badminton at the beach for the ladies! Of course we don't PLAY badminton! Maybe we will make smores!
Time to chill the wine and get on with going to work... the team is away today, so it is me, myself and I
Anyone seen Stan and Ali?
We think they are lurking around this area for the big Reese reunion...but we haven't heard from them...We still have their Clampett mobile parked on the front lawn..
Have a nice day everyone! Hope you are all up and at it... Emil has the boat ready to go fishing with his buddy , John, from Prince George.... but no John... he seems to still be sleeping....

"The Creator"
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lynn's grandkids

Matthew and Abbi...looking as cute as ever!

What could be more fun than fries at the waterpark!

Shayne, Abbi and Mattie

Thanks Lynn for the cute photos of the kids and also this pretty sunflower. I have one that may open one of these days. I have to say that my lillies are beautiful, but if I don't get down there with a camera, I'll miss figuring out which ones arewhich colours. The deer ate the five stargazers,a nd they ahave left the yellow ones. Someone said that deer don't eat yellow plants... yeah, right.
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