Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bear Aware...

Well, we were aware last night when a thump out back awoke both Emil and I...not Silky...
When Emil went to check on matters, he discovered our big Rubbermade garbage container ( holds two pails) was overturned and the door ripped off and garbage from here to kingdom come. Being a brilliant man, he quickly brought out his Mega powered flashlight ( Thanks John and Ronda) and shone it down towards the garden and all over the back yard. He stopped at three pair of eyes staring back at us, from under the cottonwood trees. (those big trees just above the lamp standard in the photo, above)
It was a black mother bear and two cubs!
Their feast was interrupted, (tho most of my garbage is empty plastic ziplock bags and some milk containers. )They must of discovered the turkey bones from my pot of turkey soup that I made, and probably the fish bones from our salmon , or the lamb bones from the lamb. Two bags of garbage were down by the garden and the rest was still up and around the two garbage pails. Emil repaired the bin and now we will either move it or put a padlock on it... Mrs Bear is pretty clever....well, sort of clever. She couldn't maybe open the lid to the bin, so she just dumped the whole thing over on its side and that caused the lid to pop open enough for her to rip off the front door.
So the bins are good things, but perhaps better if one has a lock on it. I told Emil that he could put a combination lock on that only he would know the combination to:-)
In the meantime, he has asked me to make up two signs in Bear for the front of the property and one for the back of the property...they should read "STAY AWAY"!!!
maybe that would read " GRMPH GRR - AGRWLY!"

"The Creator"
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Sunday, October 05, 2008

More apple pics from Joyce

The only way to pick them is up in the bucket of the machine...cause the tree is a million feet tall!

Thats about a bushel right there in Morgan's hands

Joyce's cast. It is off now, and I heard she was hard at it making pies... can Derrick smell them cooking?

Pat's dog , Pepper isn't much bigger than those apples!

( I think I should of kept a couple of those apples for Hallowe'en hooters!!!! ha-ha!!!)

"The Creator"
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Apple Queen

Check the size of these apples from Joyce's tree...the size of grapefruits! The tree is a KING apple ancient one that produces every three or four years, in Joyce and Morgan's case... Thank-you Morgan, for picking and Joyce for catching them:-)

Emil peeled me three pails of these giant beauties...and then I did the slicing and figuring out what to make the finshed product into. The apples fluff up beautifully for apple sauce...and anything that accidently overcooked for the purpose of pies, became applesauce. I had one batch going on the stove and two batches in big casseroles, going int he Nuker. It only takes about 1/4 cup of water and 5 to 8 minutes to thoroughly cook the apples in the microwave. 5 is good to start with if you wan them for pie filling. I generated enough pie filling to fill 7 ten inch bought tinfoil pie plates, and still had four -6 cup bags of filling left for the freezer. The apples were really huge...thus they resulted in lots of apple product for winter... I made three Apple bettys and froze bags of applesauce and then still had a little pie dough left for some apple turnovers... all was delicious...I was Pie-eyed by 12:30 am when I washed my last dishand ended up with a Corona and a little Saturday night Live, before falling into bed.

I used these bought foil pans for the Apple Bettys...two with a regular topping and one with the Cottage pudding type topping...crumbly but with an egg added to the flour and butter mixture.

Our radiant sunrise on friday, I think

Depressed Silky after her bath yesterday. I did her hair up fancy, but she wasn't interested in having her manicure.. Her butt end hurt after I nipped her with the electric clippers. Handy devices, but a little tricky around the flabby parts......:-)

Hark, I see a ray of sunshine...below the mountain of fresh snow... I think I will head down to the garden for a bit... The turkey carcus is in the pressure cooker ,ready for soup, and Emil offered to do the salad. I should be further along in the day's job hemming my new pants. They only come in 32" lengths...but a ghost flipped the tealight lantern that used to hang on the side of my cabinet and it completely shattered in a gazillion pieces of glass all over my kitchen. Thank goodness the apple fixings were done with. For the third time, I brought out the vacuum today...
okey dokey have a good rest of your Sunday.

PS... good news from Betty in Oregon. Her grandson, Chris, who was brain injured in a skateboard accident ( no helment) some 25 days ago, said his first words last night, two days after the neurosurgeon did surgey to remove a blood clot on his brain. Whew! Everyone was praying that he would come out of his coma eventually and it looks like he has, finally and much to the relief of his family and friends. His hurdles aren't over as he still has the tracheotomy, the tube , feed, the pneumonia and lord knows what else... Everyone keeps praying for a full recovery,as at 18 or 19 years old, he has a long life ahead of him to manage.

"The Creator"

Home - Canada's Hockey Anthem Challenge - Hockey - Sports -

Home - Canada's Hockey Anthem Challenge - Hockey - Sports -
If you haven't heard the proposed new Hockey Anthems, here is your chance to choose your favourite. You can listen to them at the above link (after an annoying commercial),then you must register like you were voting in the next Queen of England. I thought the thirteen year old #2, had a rousing tune... I missed the show on tv last night, but the next one will be Octonber 9th when it will be narrowed down to two finalists... check your listings about the exact time and one night, reveal the next evening.
Have a great rainy Sunday... I cleaned out my closet of old shoes ( that would be three pair) and rearranged a few things...brought our fall trousers, tho, the heat in our store is almost unbearable with short pants....but they are beginning to look ridiculous in light of the current weather outside....which is why I am inside and not out....but I am going there...just procrastinating. Speaking of trousers, they have a lovely comfortable new pant at Mark's called Janet pants... loads of colours, no pockets, a nice wide waist band and I can fit into a size smaller ( maybe the walking is paying off after all!! ) The nice thing is that they are on sale for 34.99 and if you do the MArk's survey that I linked you up to, last week on September 16th's post, you can save 20% plus this last week's flyer had an additional 10.00 off coupon... which means two pair of pants comes out around 50 bucks...great for work!

"The Creator"