Saturday, June 13, 2009

Maiden voyage for Annie

Despite the low water, we took a little fishing cruise around the bay to give the boat and us a refresher course. This was taken a few weeks ago. Now the water is creeping up and up, and soon will have our beach under water and all the junk that comes floating in.

The line on my side had one little tug, but it was a lost effort... probably a niblle form a minnow.

Silky could take or leave boating. She is never sure where her "best spot" is , on the our boat, Annie.
This is the first year all of my rotos have bloomed at once. Here is the majenta one... lovely, if I do say so myself. In fact , Lynn came out and loaned me her old camera until I figure out what kind I will buy. I know that the PAnasonic has the best features, especially the newest model, but it is a little out of my range... I take paypal tho, if anyone wants to contribute ! Just joking!
Yes, Lynn was out last week-end when we did the garden tour around Balfour and over to Glyn's beautiful mountainside display of unusual plants. A mini Bouchard gardens right in our neighbourhood.
Lynn, my sweet angel, helped me do so much weeding in my garden, I am grateful for her hard work. It enabled me to get on with planting my beans and tomatoes and flowers that might bloom in September now. My lilies ,however, love their new location and will bring me a display, second to none once they start blooming. I can't wait. Even some of the irises will bloom this year, after two years of neglect and a transplanting. Well, speaking of the garden, I have a graden party this afternoon at a co-workers, across the lake, Annie's place. She apparently has beautiful gardens as well,so I am anxious to see them. In the meantime, I have a streudal to make ,so I have a desert to bring.
I can feel the heat coming on and have to mow lawns. Emil is off on his fishing trip, but should return today or tomorow with Wayne, and with any luck, a few fresh trout!
Have a great weekend... Love ya all, and so sorry that my blog is going downhill... probably will until I get a new camera and a 27 hour day...

"The Creator"
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