Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All is quiet

The beach was pretty deserted this morning..just the dog, me , and the fog

The lake level is staying about the same...low

Lose a flip flop???

Three boats on the beach...

"The Creator"
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

CKIPC - Local Weeds to Watch For

CKIPC - Local Weeds to Watch For

"The Creator"
Here is a comprehensive list of Invasive plants of our area... the best thing is to cut them down and bag them to prevent spread of the seeds... The sad thing is that the lot next to has has most of these species growing right there...and the thistle is the worst...growing in groves that are huge... way beyond bagging! I cut down what I thought was a huge amount, in the spring, but now when I look across to the neighbours yard on the other side of the empty lot, I see a field of fluff.
I hope to read up a little more on these invasive species and get rid of them around my yard for starters! My garden has had its share of thistles for sure!
The local group called Central Kootenay Invasive Plant committee is putting up signs indicating invasive plants. You may have seen them along the highways. I guess we all have to do our part.

Monday, September 08, 2008

First Day of School

Kezie, going into Grade two this year...Hard to believe!
Joyce took this pic of Kendra... She just turned five..does she go to Kindergarten? Someone will answer that question for me:-)

So I added some crazy music... Let me know if it drives you wild! I'm not sure if there is an off switch... I'll work on it...Have fun!
"The Creator"