Thursday, September 10, 2009

Transport Canada

Transport Canada
Click on this link to get your boater's Operators Card now. It will be mandatory in a few days for all operators of speed boats of any size. The cost is between 25 and 35 bucks if you search around, and it can be done online. Read the material, pay your money, then with the help of a buddy to administer the exam of 36 questions that you answer, you submit the exam and in moments, you have a temporary licence. A laminated one will be mailed out soon after. You only need to do this once as it is a lifetime licence.
FYI: All five exams submitted in our neighbourhood had the same questions. Unfortunately, with five sets of brains, no one aced the exam!
Here is the other website that might be less expensive!
"The Creator"

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Durango Marigolds and Faye and Randy

The marigolds have taken off and are nearly two feet tall now with blossoms filling up most of my flower garden and obliterating the garden path. They look cheery and sunny and took nothing to grow. They are the Durango seed from Stokes. I see if saved seed makes them as big and beautiful. The amazing thing is that one plant can have yellow, orange and blossoms with red all on one plant. how do they do that?

Well, I believed that gfreen grassy stuff to be my daylilies, but it looks exactly like clumping grass. The thing is that the roots look like perrenial type of roots... but so far no flowers thinks it is grass, but it is staying it neat clumps. I'll give it one more year and see what happens. If it fills the entire graden , then I guess I made a serious mistake. If it has neat little yellow daylillies, then I'll say hurrah! I dug them from the location where the short day lillies used to grow.

Roses are back in bloom and so are the amaranthus that Lynn planted for me. Aren't they incredible?

Faye and Randy came over for HAppy hour and appies today, then we ended up playing dice till everyone was bushed. It was a fun evening as Faye sure loves to laugh and joke around. The gals beat the guys 4 games to 2!

"The Creator"
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