Saturday, September 25, 2010

Look Up

Fall has arrived and with it has been a fabulous full moon, complete with Jupiter nearby. Jupiter was at its closest to earth in many years and for many to come ( everyone can get over the Mars thing now!) It was at its best on the 20th. My pics were taken on the 21st and tonight. The blue dot of light very near to the moon is actually the planet take it all in. The full moon fell on the first day of fall ,also for the first time in forever... I hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as me! In fact, i was told that if I felt tired in the morning after a full moon...I should check my fingernails for dirt in the morning...
After all, a werewolf has work to do on those moonlit nights!

Taken on the 21st,looking south east

Cropped in a littel closer...also on the 21st

Taken tonight, and cropped in...

This shot shows how starry it is tonight,even with a full moon. Jupiter is the brightest dot on the right.

"The Creator"
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