Sunday, December 03, 2006

Good Week-end come and gone...

I don't know how the week-end comes and goes so fast...Of course,with only two days off,one has to pack it all into the 48 hours that you have at your discretion. My week-end was planned when I got the word that my Candle order had arrived from Partylight...all six boxes of it. Whew! Talk about heavy...I loaded it all up into the car on Friday,shortly after it arrived at Emil's office. Good thing the seats fold down in our new little rig..the boxes all fit in like magic!
Emil had dropped over to Finley's for a wine with Gord and Janice before they headed over for curling. I opted to not have a drink,as everyone knows that Counter-Attack has begun, and to drink and drive would just be foolish.
We made it home without incident, but our friends, Gord and Jan got stopped after curling and unfortunately it was brought to their attention that their car insurance had expired. Yep, easy to do, but not a wise idea. Out of the car they had to get,and a tow truck was called,so there they were...left standing at the end of the orange bridge around ten o'clock at night with no vehicle to drive and a carload of groceries, and some thiry kilometers between them and their home!
Then there comes the shell-out...75 bucks for the tow-truck and a whopping five hundred plus for the fine for driving with no insurance coverage! Whoooo-doggies! Not a pleasant piece of news just before Xmas.
On that note, everyone go mark their calendar when their car insurance expires and better yet, get in there a few days or even a week ahead of the expirey. They easily pro-rate it, so you have the option of renewing early.

Saturday morning, Emil helped me to sort this ginormous order of Partylite. Good thing, or I would have been still sorting! Once that was complete, we both went for a X-country ski...down along the beach. Drinkwater had been out ski-dooing, so it was a good track to follow way down to the big dock near the ferry. Emil went that far, but I never. My toes were beginning to cramp up, but other than that, I did ok.
Sounds like some of the badminton gals are going to go to Kokanee park one of the nights this week to x-country ski. I might go with them, if I have the energy. Certainly sounds like fun!
Linda called Friday night to invite us over for dinner with Jan and Gord. Nice treat for us. They have recently painted all of the kitchen and living -room in a warm sunny butter colour. definately was a huge improvement over the stark original whitish colour that was there from when they bought.
Oh yes, Friday night after coming home from town,and unloading all the Partylite boxes, Emil and I headed for the hot-tub. Now that was an awesome soak...the moon was burning a hole in the clouds,and we were drenched in moonshine...all good!

Janice brought cranberry everything to have with the chicken that Linda had prepared. She created a tasty cranberry salsa...lots of chopped cranberries,two whole big oranges coarsley chopped and then a jalapeno pepper finely chopped, and a few tablespoons of cilantro chopped up. Everyone inhaled it with chips, as it was flavourful and delicious.Janice also did orange flavoured cranberry sauce for the chicken. Made us all wake up to dynamic new tastes!
Dinner was yummy and then we settled down for a rousing game of Mexican Train, where Ed won! He was pretty lucky,if I do say so myself.
Darn, I am falling asleep and falling off my perch. I will call it a night pretty quick here.
I spent today delivering the candles and it pretty much consumed the day. Joyce was sweet enough to come along with me to Castlegar, where we met Lynn at Joey's Only and we all ordered something fishy for our lunch. Us cousins had a good blab and lots of hugs and then went on our way. At Canadian Tire, I picked up bird seed, since the little Nuthead Squirrel has been cleaning out the birdfeeder every day. Joyce also gave me suet. I'll have to make a point of hanging it up one of the maples. All the bird species love it. Today we had a huge eagle land up in the Cottenwood trees. It appeared to be an immature eagle, but definately not immmature in size. It stood nearly 3 feet tall from what I could figure.
I built an easy pot of soup after I returned home...Hot Italian sausage and black bean soup. THis is quite easy...just toss a few cans of tomatoes into a large pot and then add some chicken broth or a little water to stretch it out a bit. To this, add a can or two of black beans or mixed beans or one of each, that has been rinsed in cold water. as the soup cooks, you can flavour it up with a dash of Italian spice, extra garlic ,or whatever you have on hand. I fried up a chopped cooking onion with a few stalks of celery,also chopped. When all was sauteed, I dumped it into the pot of soup! Did I mention that one should have the hot Italian sausages ( Johnsonville's are tasty) frying up. I sliced each one into little slices and comntiued to fry until they were cooked through. I added water to the fry-pan to keep them from burning.
So now you have your pot of soup. To it ,add the fried sausage pieces and then add the fried onion.Also I added some frozen spinach that I had in the freezer...Fresh would be better ( Just don't cook the spinach long once it is in the soup)! I couldn't decide on a set flavour for spices, but opted to add a sprinkle of Italian seasoning, some garlic seasoning and pepper and a little salt. I had a bowl of soup, a salad and some squash that Lynn kindly gave me. All was good and now I am a happy camper who has to plunge into bed before I do a faceplant onto the floor. Good night all... HAppy eating!
It was a delicious way to end the day. Pardon my typing. Seems my fingers are all stiff...

"The Creator"

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