Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The "K" girls..

First Day of school for Mackenzie...look at how cute and grown up she looks.

Look at all of thoe sunflowers...amazing! This must be at the Corn maze place that Eva took Kendra and Kenzie

Look at her go.. a budding roper ,no doubt...just like her grandpa!

What do you get from a maze of corn? Lots of corn kernals by the looks of it.
eva took the kids to the Corn maze for a day of fun.

Kendra practicing to be a great bronco bustin' cowgirl... and I heard that her roping skills were pretty good too! Morgan will be proud that she is practicing!

Oh my... the entrance to the maze...looks huge to me!
I'd say the girls had a fun day! Thanks Eva for sharing these with me. The girls are getting so grown up and get cuter by the day!
"The Creator"

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Afternoon on the beach with Chunk

Note how Chunk is keeping an eye on Ashley's weiner while it roasts?

My sweetpeas are growing like crazy ,as are the weeds!

Marigolds are on fire!

Do you know what this plant is?

Hmmm...could it be a papaya tree? I think so!
I can't wait for the papayas to start growing!

Looks like Chenile eh? Lynn started these Love's Lie Bleeding or Amaranthus for me, and now they are four feet tall.. Thanks Lynn... they provide a beautiful display!

Deb and Ashley are looking after "Chunk", their daughter's ,boyfriend's dog

Emil just R& R'n it on the beach while the fire revved up.
Deb giving Chunk, what for!

My marigolds!

"The Creator"

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