Here are some random ly recent pics... cute one of Annette and Kaleigh in Alberta
Handsome Josh escorting his grad date
Tributes to Josh
Last but not least, a pic I took at our hum bird feeder with Francis's new Canon camera... Taken from our balcony...lots of clarity there...but I heard that Joe took a pic of the hummingbird's tongue... I can't top that one!
Thankfully, Saturday blessed us with some sunshine and a little warmth to go along with it. I was coaxed outside by the sunshine and headed to my garden where I managed to unearth a giant ant hill tucked away under the black plastic...They were swarming everywhere and headed straight up my leg as soon as I tried to dig up their nest... I am not good with multitudes of any kinds of bugs...especially ones that are apt to bite. I left them alone for a bit after I turned over the soil and when I came back there were far less of them running around on the dirt, so I went ahead and planted my beans... tall ones ,short ones, green ones, yellow ones, white seeded ones, brown seeded and black seeded wax beans... I should be able to supply the food bank this summer with beans if they don't rot before they grow! I found a whole packet of climbing wax beans, and went ahead and planted them near the fence in behind the raspberries and the peas that are growing there. If one has a nice wire fence, one should make good use of it..right?
Now that I have mentioned the peas... why are they growing AWAY from the fence? I guess I will have to take their little feelers and get them jump started on the wires of the fence in order for them to begin climbing ...even tho they are not supposed to be climbers.( They are already a foot tall!)
I found a variety of flower seeds from Zinnias to coriopsis and cosmos and more marigolds and clarkia left over seeds in last year's box of seeds... I stuck them all in and have high hopes for them to grow into a recognizable shoot that I don't yank out with the weeds... I think I already ended the life of the first packet of coriopsis.. I snapped off a part of my old peony bush and busted a bud on an iris... like a bull in a china shop!
At least a few things are blooming and by week's end the flower part of the garden should be a flood of colour. I will try to take some pictures. My new white clematis has an abundance of flowers and the irises and poppies are ready to pop open... All we need is some heat!
On Saturday night we went over to Deb and Ashley's for a nice bonfire, but it was cold enuf that I walked back home and suited up in fleece to keep my back warm. We called it a night relatively early as Emil had to get a bit more gear ready in the morning so he could leave for his annual fishing trip with his buddies, John, Bernie and Wayne.
With him off, I hope to get some more plants planted... anyone check the forecast?
I managed to get all of my cucs and squash planted, but pray for warmth to get them out of the ground. I'm holding back planting all of my basil outside as the first four turned white with cold. Joyce suggested a tent and I said..."Right!..I'll get on that soon!"
I had a nice chat with Annette this afternoon and she sounded pretty happy with their new house...washer and dryer are on the upstairs level where the bedrooms are so that saves a lot of clothes hauling up and down... and they got their new stove and dishwasher installed - thus the kitchen is taking shape now and getting more user friendly. Little by little ,they will get things in place and then they will be wondering what to do with themselves! ha-ha! ( I am still waiting for that day! )
Have a good week ahead...time to hit the hay... I made a great batch of chow mein in my new wok and yowsers... it works like a hot damn! This will give me lunch at work for the remainder of the week! YUm YUm!
"The Creator"