To the day, these, perhaps same ten swans migrated through on the exact same date as they did in 2005- March 11th! How is that for an accurate bird? Ron had seen the swans down his way about a month ago, which I thought ws early , but perhaps it was a different migrating group. These ten might well be the same ten that lanmded here in 2005! They never stayed laong...just kept paddling their way up the lake, and as you can see by this photo, they were nearly on the other side of the lake by the time I caught up to them. Thank goodness for a telephoto lens!
The same day... I switched this to Black and white as it was kind of a gray snowy day up in the mountains
The rest of the week was much the same... snow on the mountains ,pouring rain down here...
But...Look at today! Brilliant sunshine Yea! To top it off, we spring ahead tonight... and the radio announcer said to be careful when you drive just after the time change as that is when the highest number of accidents accur on the highways...people are still in sleepy mode in the morning ,I guess.
So have a very nice week-end... I am going down to the basement to paint...we are coming along with it, albeit slightly slower these days!
The good news is that our new neighbours have been busy clearing and cleaning up the invasive weed lot next to us over the past few weeks, and what a difference it has made! I feel sorry for the deer and the birds who will no longer have their favourite bushes to hang around, but I guess it is all in the name of progress. We had nary a bird here for a few years, despite hanging out a bird feeder ,when we first moved in. Now with our trees quite grown up, we have all kinds of birds...and the deer..well, as we know, there is no shortage of those beasts just yet.
Have a sunny weekend!
"The Creator"