Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Robbie Burns Day


Way to go Correna for keeping the spirit alive. Note,she won the prize of Shortbread for being "The Most Tarten"..Probably for also being the most redhead...Is this your alter ego? I love that C. always has the fun gene in her!
I am thinking that I was happy to not be eating Haggis for my dinner last night.
Have a great week-end ...I am sooooo late for work. I need breakfast in a big hurry.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More Snow...Echhh!


The trees were even droopier this morning as the snow piled down as tho it were snowing in Vancouver...You know...those big fluffy flacons that make your previous shovelling efforts disappear in ten minutes. Emil left right in the middle of the biggest snowflake deluge,around 7:30 am. At 8:30, he was on the phone to me, saying he was waiting for the tow-truck, as the car(Dynasty) ( with him in it) spun out at four mile.
I asked if he was ok, and he said he was. No other cars involved so that was good...and so he was still on his way to work.
When I drove in, I nearly drove off the road myself when I saw the tracks in the snowbank at the edge of the road...yes, he failed to mention it was at the LAKE side of the road! In fact, it looked like he was the car was in teeter -totter position.
And tonight,the real story came out...the car did a 360* and was heading straight for the bank going down to the houses here, just lake. He checked to see if his seatbelt was on, and felt relieved that it was as the car spun out of control. He thought it was t*ts up, but due to the huge amount of snow lately, the undercarriage of the car got hung up on the snow at the banks edge. So there he was ,at a crazy angle with the nose of the car and one side,balanced so nicely. His first thought,as he peered out the windshield at the lake below, was "Should I move?" He decided it was in his best interest to try to get the heck out of the car before someelse came sliding off the road.
So all in all, he was very lucky that he never ended up doing a Polar bear dip.
The car is fine and so is he... and needless to say, I drove into work very carefully. The roads were quite ugly...snow,slush, slop and ice and freezing rain coming down. Not a good blend at all.

Oh, did I mention that the RCMP gave him a little blue warning to put winter tires on the back wheels...He has seven days to do it, but they are already on the car now!

I cam home from work and shovelled a ton of the wet stuff, hardly able to push it more than a couple of feet! Silky had a blast ,jumping for snowballs and then crashing the big snowball that I rolled, into a million pieces. She seems o havve a little destructive streak in her! She had fun while I sweated!

Last night, Leah had her PArtylite party that she booked from me, and it was fun. Her and Rubin ( Wendy 's son) live in a cute little house that they have fixed up very nicely. Leah did so well with the party, that she is interested in selling Partylite now, in Nelson! They have no consultants in Nelson, so she could find a good little niche here.
Thus she needs to book six parties in the next couple of weeks...Anyone interested in having a party for her? There is lovely new product with some great Hostess specials, incuding an Aromatheraputic burner, for $11.95.
There are new scents and many beautiful new candles in little hurricane jars which make for a great gift,as they can be used indoors or out.They sell between 29.95 and 35.00.
Okey dokey...time for early bed tonight. I was up way way too late last night, putting in my own order for 2nd Nature,as I sold some of that at the party also.
Have a good one...don't strain anything if you are shovelling!
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Monday, January 22, 2007 | Cyril has a fishy card trick | Cyril has a fishy card trick
This is an amazing trick!
Watch through to the end to be astounded!
Go to the home page at Glumbert for more great video clips.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Snow!



Last night, the snow continued to fall, and today, we were faced with more shovelling and clearing. The belt on Emil's tractor/snowthrower broke which meant he was at the mercy of Bill's snowblower that you push. Well, first he had to get the beast going. He had to drain the gas out of it and put in new gas before it would start. Meanwhile, I shovelled the top balcony off...about 14" of snow there, and then I proceeded to the back patio. I couldn't even push it from one side of the patio to the edge! I cleared as much as I could, into the middle of the patio, so that Emil could finsh it with the snowblower, which he did, later.

I threw the snow,shovel full by shovel full, over the rails of the deck, off of our bedroom. I think it was a million cubic meters of snow...What a load! My back was grateful when I finished !
Emil and I both headed for the hot-tub for a little soak, then we had lunch,followed by a NAP!
Yep, you heard it right, Bea had a nap!

Elli and Peter invited us over to play Texas Hold'em with them and Bill and Marlene! With only the six of us playing , some great hands cropped up, like four aces, and many full houses. We all felt the swing from bad cards to good, or visa-versa.
In the end tho, we all had a big laugh as the confusion arose over how much money we were owed or lost. Seems like everyone kept at least 8 thousand dollars,as no one had ventured to play those big 500 dollar and one thousand dollar chips!( We all started with ten bucks) When it came down to the nitty gritty, each pair of us was only up or down by fifty cents or so! All along when we were betting, we kept saying it was ten or twenty dollars, when it was only ten or twenty cents, because Peter and Elli, in their infinate wisdom decided that our ten dollars was worth ten thousand dollars!!!
Too funny...It kept all of us low rollers away from even betting a measely 50 cents! I guess the laugh was on them as we pretty much all walked away with our same ten bucks that we came with.
In the old days, we played with five bucks worth of chips,but the deminations were closer to reality.
We'll rethink the program for next time, or if anyone has it all figured out, let us know!
Texas Hold 'em is a fun evening if you aren't sitting for too long ...we were at it for five hours...about an hour and a half too much for my numb bum! The great part was the lemon and apple pies that Elli served...from her apples that froze in her outside fridge.

As a side note, here is a tip from both her and Sonia can freeze both oranges and lemons...just cut them into wedges, and put in freezer bags or tupperware, then thaw slightly in the nuker, to eat them immediately. ( Elli's oranges froze in her outside fridge also.) Sonia's tip came from the Tupperware Lady at the Tupperware party she just attended.
Good advice, since the orange crop has frozen, south of the border, so stock up on your citrus fruits, and be prepared for sharp increases in other could all double or triple in the next month advises Steve.

Ok, bedtime I guess, since it is 1:30 am...I wasn't really tired after having napped today.
Have a good Sunday. I think we will go for a x-country ski, as the neighbours took a swing by our beach with the skidoo, laying down some pretty decent tracks...Thanks Dave!
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Yep, Plenty of Snow


This is our front walk after Emil shovelled ,this morning.
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Out came the sun...

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