Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Madeline!

Happy eleventh birthday Maddie. I love your new haircut! Your mom says you look like her at that age... What do you think? Yep, I think she is on to something there... except that at least you had the good sense to get a new haircut! Love it,and can't wait to see you in five more sleeps! I'll bring your gifty with me... and then we will celebrate!

Sonia at about the same age...

"The Creator"
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Weekend Fairwell to Gisele and Mike

I baked a yummy carrot cake with a sugar substitute called Newella...found at Walmart... and the cake turned out delicious...a little crumbly, but otherwise no-one was the wiser that it was sugar free except for the cream cheese icing. Everyone brought an appetizer and so it was an all afternoon of munching and laughing and of course, a bit of refreshments too. Debbie brought a pitcher of Pom Martinis so life was good as we sipped on those... made with Pomagranite juice, fresh squeezed lime, Cointreau, cranberry juice and vodka... yum yum...

Sampling of the martinis with Ashley, moi and Emil

Our neighbours Alyssa and Mike

No shortage of laughs with Ann and Dick. We watched the video of their trip to San Carlos in Mexico on the PAcific coast south of Baja... and it was lovely to see all their month or two of travels and what they saw from pelicans and dolphins to the beautiful Lake Haviseu and the dune buggies in the deserts that we probably passed through near Yuma.

Here is Gisele and Mike with their son Josh. They rented Lynn and Rick's house for 6 months and now they have to head back to Lethbridge and see if they can sell their house before returning to beautiful BC. It is too bad that we only got to know them near the end of their stay here. It turns out that Gisele is the neice of an Aunt of Lucien's . You don't have to go far to find a relative these days aye?

Back to work today after an all too fast week-end...and then it is on to Victoria next week-end! Yipppee...

"The Creator"