Saturday, December 09, 2006

Welcome to Colour do you like the colour...lots of it...very typical of me...load up on the paint and let her go!
It has a name W 2.o .
Mainly ,it will be the format of the future...loads of colour, no square boxes and lots of 3-D. I'm still working on that part of it. To me, it seems like they are taking up a cartoon style of web page to keep people interested and to make it fun and lively. That will be me... fun and colourful!

It was a good Saturday today. I finished all of my wrapping! TA-DA! ( Looks like a demolition zone upstairs!)
I packed up two huge boxes to send to the kids and now, it is just a matter of topping them off with as many styrofoam chips as possible! In fact, if anyone needs styrofoam chips, just let me know. Maybe I should be thinking about making a bean-bag chair. That wouldn't be too hard, especially if I make it out of an orange garbage bag! HMMMMmmmm....

Emil made it back from his Vancouver trip ...sounds like it all went well and lucky him, he actually landed in Castlegar! I had visions of a phone call, saying he was back in Kelowna. The fog was most of the way down the mountain across the lake from us, all day. I guess the morning plane never landed, but his flight did. He said it was packed.

We went out for a nice hot-tub tonight...little snowflakess cascading down out of the heavens...right to the inside of my housecoat. Not pleasant when I put it on, after the tub. Oh well, I suppose I should be getting geared up for the Polar Bear dip!

Anne has invited us for dinner tomorrow night...nice of her. It will be Lynn and Rick, and Barry and Ursela, again. Should be a fun night. I'll try to get a few peops in for dinner next Sunday...Janice and Gord and Linda and Ed. Linda and Ed have hosted so many dinners that I feel definately overdue.
So really, there is only two weeks left till Christmas. Where has the time gone to?
Best I get my butt in gear to send out cards. I am boycotting the Xmas letter....mainly because I write most everything in the bloggy,s o what else would be news?

I suppose I could make stuff up...hmmmm... ...How we spent our Lottery the trek to over the Great Wall of China I adopted two infants...forget that would ever believe it!

I am tired of hearing about the weird sister-in-law of the cousin, or Matilde's high colonic, or the Mixatarian lifestyle you've switched to.
I am bored with all the groups you've chosen to lead, and I hate that you've lost ten pounds when I have been gaining. I can't bear to read one more letter that starts off.." Well, another year has come and gone..."
I can't believe that some people think I can actually read that mini letter that has been shrunk from an 8 1/2" x 11" paper down to a note the size of the palm of my hand.
I do, however, love pics of the kidlets, s o keep those coming, but spare me the details of your mother's gall bladder operation. There should be a law about speaking about surgeries in a Christmas letter... Say, did I tell you I had my annual check-up with my proctologist? OMG. I think I have heard it all...and probably sent it all, myself. So lets be firends and share a personal
note or your signature at least...and who it is to.

Sometimes that annoys me..

Love Bob Sleigh

and that is it..oh yes, and sometimes they put the date with that... then spend 51 cents plus tax to mail it to me.
Maybe I am turning into the Christmas Grinch. So we'll all try to shape up.
Speaking of Grinch... What do you do with the Christmas letters? Hang them for everyone to read? Keep them in a near-by drawer? Toss them in the garbage? Pile them up somewhere?
I think I will print off some Xmas labels for my return address stickers...what photo to use?????

"The Creator"

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