The Healing properties of Honey and Cinnamon
Read up on the healing powers of cinnamon and honey combined with each other... Sounds like the two of them could cure most anything from baldness to arthritis... just have to mix it up according to directions and drink a cup or three a day...I would have started tonight, however, my honey was crystalized. The tragic part is that I scooped it all out and into a pot and put it on the stove to melt... ( like a thirty second process perhaps) . Then the phone rang, and it was Sonia and I took the phone and went into the computer room and the next thing I knew, the fire alarm was going off.
Worst boo-boo in Bea's cooking history, since we locked the turkey in the oven...or maybe it was when the roasting chestnuts blew up and got me square in my face when I opened the oven... Anyhow, tonight was right up there with my top three all time ugly happenings in the kitchen.
Two cups of honey in a small pot on rather high heat and what you have when the fire alarm goes off is a pot full of brown goo at a rolling boil ( like making jam or candy) and sad to say at least half the mixture had boiled over into the drip pan . It was boiling in there also.
Don't ever do that.
PAy attention to that which you put on the stove.
Be glad something or somebody didn't kill someone or something, or burn something down or put out the gas flame and gas everyone to death.
Sweet Dreams... and Happy dosing with cinnamon and honey. I'll buy new liquid honey tomorrow, and start the honey and cinnamon drink on Saturday.
"The Creator"
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