Sunday, April 13, 2008

ATV Gone Amuck

Above , you can see the ATV stuck in the mud, on the beach...the neighbour's mudflat to the east of us.

Below, the pic shows the remaining tracks from the above ATVjust before it came to a dead stop below our neighbours beach, where the water has receded. Instead of little sink holes like those in the below photo, he was into the mud clear up to his axles and then some. Him and his riding partner had to abandon the machine and go walk for help. I think they never lived too far away, because an hour or so later, they came with another ATV and winched out the one stuck in the muck. Yes, beware when stepping into unknown silt flats... it is pure anadulterated mud!

You can see here where they crossed the lagoon... I can't believe they weren't sunk in here... the bank on the far side is fairly steep... Maybe they winched out... I don't know... It is the kind of mud I wouldn't care to step into if I were stuck!

Sheryl, Emil's replacement at HEU came out with her beau, Mike and joined us for a BBQ... mmm-mmm-good. We tried for a game of Mexican train, but after three rounds we were all dozing off...( * It was taking longer than usual for some reason....***)
The weather was deluxe on Saturday and again today, tho, it seems to be in decline at the moment. Emil pruned trees with Peter's guidance and a few suggestions from me this morning. I got out into my front flower bed yesterday for a bit... damn deer ate my well as the crocus, with the exception of about three!

Here is Emil's old ride'm Lawn mower. I am going to advertise it on$650.00, 14 h.p. and comes with the grass catcher and has a 42" mower deck. It is a Craftsman from Sears. Let us know if anyone is interested.

"The Creator"
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