Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Encounters from Nature Girl

And look what Joyce came across today on her walk down by the canal. Can you guess what it is?
Joyce informed me today that it si a yellow-Bellied Marmot!

They are abundant near the canal and I've also seen them on route over the Blueberry PAulson. Here is the webpage about various Marmots, but I am not sure which group he belongs to as it seems that whomever designed the web page should have hired Joyce for photographing the creatures,as their photos are pretty pathetic. Joyce, however, might know which species of Marmot he is... sort of looked like the Olympic Marmot to me.

And the ever popular Canada geese... Beautiful shot...the water is a great colour!
Thanks Joyce, for sharing your love of Nature.
Now keep your eye open for a beautiful wood duck. According to the newspaper, they are in Proctor...
I was outside with Silky and looked up into the sky in time to see a meteorite flash through the northern sky...how lucky for me, as it left a nice long tail streak across half the sky!
"The Creator"
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