Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Spooktacular 65th Birthday to Joyce

It says Happy 65th B-Day and hanging on!

The real cake tasted better than this cardboard one.

Joyce will have a brand new Pumpkin tealight holder for Hallowe'en collection, or her garden...

OMG...Are they real???

It was a Spooctacular cake

Don't worry, I washed them off!

Now if this isn't a morbid piece of work arggghhhhhh

Awwwweeee Only for my sister would I go to the ends of my tendons to make her birthday special!
Joyce and I did a little tour of the two painting exhibitions at the Museum.. Peter Valisik's works were crazy wild and pretty interesting, despite his odd size relationships. Who else would think of seating three full grown men on a sagging very long horse... I love that weird painting!
Also he did a cool cluster of painterly blue outlines on a sparkley whitish background...another favourite of mine... maybe because it was huge. I was a little disapointed that more of the paintings weren't recent.
I wasn't too crazy about the other show by someone with the name of Pixie in the middle...the exhibit was called Milk and Blood...lots of red and white. One small painting of African people holding a cup to their mouth, with two hands... only about 12x12, but well executed in muted tones of reds to blacks...very little of the "Milk".
Joyce and I enjoyed taking a look see, then made our way over to the Hume Hotel to the library where we promptly ordered a cool Honey ale, brie and garlic with Pitas, Calamari, and chicken wings... alll very yummy. We yapped while we ate and pretty much solved all the problems of the world before calling it a night there. We hauled the cake and gifties back to the store, where we made a cup of tea and had a piece of yummy Carrot severed finger cake! It was a good night ,and always it is fun to do a little HAllowe'en celebration with Joyce near or on her birthday.
Tomorrow night we are heading over to the BBI for some dancing to Mystery Train... a bluesey band that has good dance music...sounds better the more you drink.
Have a happy and safe HAllowe'en!
Oh yes, if you are up in the middle of the night, take a peak at the night sky to see if there are any Auroras.. they were spotted in the northern countries of Denmark and Sweden... and the auroras were amazing. To take a look at photos ,go to www
A big HAppy 65th to Joyce... she doesn't look a day over 55!

"The Creator"

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a perfect picture of Happy Sisters look like!! love you Lynn