Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday, Monday

After Lynn helped me so much in my garden by weeding out all the dandylions in my raspberry patch, Emil came along and rototilled the parts that weren't planted yet. I need to cover up the newly cultivated parts with new black plastic to keep the weeds from appearing. My next plantings won't be for a few more weeks, by which time the weeds could be two feet tall!

My beautiful Mayday tree that Correna and Joe bought me. The blossoms are opening up
in time for Mother's Day!

A new structure appeared on my walking trail today. Looks like an omen from the show "Lost" ( Is it the part of an old ship? a rail car accident? a piece of a sawmill? Who knows?)Not there last week, but clearly a sign to warn trespassers... Wait a minute... that beach is public below the property lines and high water mark anyhow?
As I walk, I clear away the stones to make a nice walking path. Two weeks ago , the horse lady starts riding her horse along my new trail and redistributes many rocks. A week ago, along comes several ATV's and a Jeep of some sort who totally wreak havoc and rocks on the trail. After that, the mystery person whom I call "Trailbreaker" has come along and put five or six long pieces of driftwood across the trail in order to block it, as one ascends or descends the steep bank that brings you from the main road to the the beach or visa -versa.
Days later the trail is littered with huge rocks to disguise the trail, and days after that, the twigs and branches appear to obliterate the start of the trail along with more large rocks. Today, the skelton was there. Who is the Trailbreaker? I only want to walk there with my doggie.

The dark side of the Rock Trail

Deliberate rock blockers

The warning... If I disappear after one of my morning walks, you'll know it was the "trailbreaker who did it!"

"The Creator"

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