Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Lost Symbol

Certainly worth the read and demystifying the FreeMasons.
I like how Dan Brown can delve into the world of puzzles and myths and ceremonies that the average cat has no idea about. Very interesting ...Makes you believe that we only live our lives scratchingthe surface, when others go to a depth we are oblivious to. MAybe it is safer that way!

Emil on the deck at the Burrowing Owl on our way back from the golf tournament...Yep those are vinyards for as far as your eye can see.

If you ever get the chance, it is worth the drive on the back road from Oliver to Osoyoos to see all of the vinyards. Apparently it is a great road for motorcyclist enthusiasts as well... We enjoyed it with Deb and Ashley.

"The Creator"
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