Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day in the garden

Well, returning to work the day after I came home was a little crazy, especially since I had a the runny nose cold... and then I worked on Saturday, because my boss was away. Thank goodness I had a helper, a new gal that we have hired... She is very sweet and works hard...I hope she is a keeper!

Sooooooo, today, Sunday was my only day off that I was at home.

Lets say I started and never stopped all day... changed the bed, put on laundry, then did some online banking, then headed outside and never looked back.

My garden is so nice now that it is all fenced and has two side gates...I had it all cleaned up with the exception of the raspberries and in back of them, near the new fence. That was my first task...cut out all of the old canes, and tie up the new ones and similtaneously, weed underneath the raspberries. I have so many thistles popping up... and they aren't even the worst "Canadian thistle" that has taken over the vacant lot next door. I'm sure those will be springing up all over next spring. I hate when grass or weeds try to take over my raspberry bushes!

I accomplished the tyeing of the raspberries and then buckled down and dug up most every blade of quack grass that was invading the two foot space that runs along the length of the fence and the raspberry bushes. It wasn't an impossible task, but it tested my strength and will many times. I finished that little ugly, and emptied out the wheelbarrow full of grassy weeds two times...

Finally it was time to dig my poor lillies up and whatever else I had strength to dig and then transplant it from the old garden of weeds to the new weedless garden surrounded by deer proof fence... oops...maybe I shouldn't say that.

More or less, I was creating my new flower bed , on the spot, s o who knows what it will look like if it doesn't fill up with weeds before any of the plants get to bloom. I still have many more irises to transplant and my big rosebush, but I will need E's help for that... so possibly next week-end.
I was pleased to have relocated my peony. Just reminded myself of my poppies... being dead now, I am not even sure where they are...but I should try to rescue them also. Don't let me forget that!

I am kind of excited that I gave liberation to all of my poor darlings that were choked up in weed ville. I figure this is the next step to making my own park and it will just be a matter of time before its trees and plants are all overgrown too and then it will be all park and no garden.

I wound up my day in the hot-tub for a lovely I think it is time to get horizontal and read some more of my book! Have a good week everyone...especially Lynn...she is going to see Celine Dion with Nadine, in Vancouver! Wowzers for her! We'll hear all about it, real soon! Thanks Dick, for making Lynn's day!

"The Creator"

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