Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Aftermath

Limbs and firewood...thats what it was reduced to..

You can see how little was holding the remaining trunk

Rearing up its head ,as if in acute pain from the trauma of being felled .

Yuppers, Emil did the deed yesterday and took down the remaining two trunks of the willow. It was split right down to about a foot off the ground...,so it was doomed to go ,on e way or the other. It is amazing that it lasted through the winter after losing a major limb last year . With the recent wind storm taking down another limb, it was left in a dangerous unbalanced position. We didn't need an accident to make us realize it was time to cut it down. Emil will be back at it today, cutting off the branches and making the rest of the trunks into firewood for the beach. boo-hoo...I'll miss the Wumping will our grand-daughters..The Harry Potter skits won't be the same without it!
On the positive side, it cleared a whole new view down to the lake, s o I suppose that is a good thing.

"The Creator"
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