Monday, July 28, 2008

More of the weekend...this time from Lynn's camera!

Abbi and Mattie kept themselves and us entertained, by building a huge Tropical Paradise...out of sand , that is..

LAter, the Glow sticks came out!

Our group shot on the bench!

Mattie chose the chocolate cupcake... After he licked the icing off, he suggested he save the rest...

Tonight, I met Deb and her friend, Deb, after work, at the Library for a little nosh ,before heading out to Castlegar to see Mama Mia.
It was certainly an AbbA extravaganza, with all the music from their songs! Meryl Streep was the perfect "Mom" and Pierce Bronson was Perfect! It was an entertaining show, as musicals go. Now, to see the real thing on stage, some day...
Then, be warned that the travel between Castlegar and Glade can put your car and vision at risk, due to all the river moths! They are out in full force and were hitting Deb's truck like hailstones! Deb's truck got totally "river mothed" on the way home...we could barely see out of the windshield. We stopped in Glade to see if we could wash some off and there were no squeegees ,nor any water available...only paper towels...and her windshield washer fluid...The first three bursts of washer fluid, turns the moths to a concrete smear. Rubbing with paper towel was our only hope.
It was a slow process, to say the least, when this guy drove in and said..".I'll clean your windshield, I am a window washer!" How lucky was that? He brought out a scraper and a squeegee and sponge cleaner thing and cleaned up the whole windshield! Like and angel from heaven! Hope your day was as terrific! Nighty night...don't let the bedbugs bite!

"The Creator"
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