Saturday, May 03, 2008

Around the bonfire tonight

All the neighbours were out and about on this fine sunny day, so we called up a bonfire and had everyone over.

Andy, to the left and his wife, Kathleen ( in the red coat) were up from the Okanagan t open up their trailer for the summer. We hadn't seen them since last fall and Andy was full of the devil as usual, keeping us all laughing.

Here's Alissa and the right , our newest neighbours on the block. They bought Jim's old house and are redoing the kitchen. I keep saying I'll pop over to see it...maybe tomorrow...
Ashley (in the blue coat on the left) and Deb, down below, joined us for some wings and natchos before the fire event. It was good to sit around and catch up with everyone, and be outside. I saw a lovely bright satellite or space ship or something, glow very bright in the sky to the north got very bright then faded out of site...At first I thought it might be the International Space Station, but it never hung around for more than ten seconds... those damn Aliens!

I did some cleaning and playing with my fabric steamer, then put in a million phone numbers to my pearl...
Mike and Alissa came over to take out a few of the wee trees in the garden, then I headed down to continue trying to liberate my raspberry bushes from grass and weeds. I am hoping that Emil can get my lower fence put up very soon, before the deer take over the garden. I tore out the old chicken wire fence last week-end, so it is wide open to the critters.
Have a great Sunday. I'll be sending out another email regarding accomodations, since viewing the rooms at the BBI. If you are apt to be slightly enebriated and just require a bed, then it will suffice. If you require fancier digs, then I found a couple of alternatives to post modern fishing lodge.

"The Creator"
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