Sunday, May 04, 2008

Righteous Annie

Looking up to the Purcells on a perfect day.

We all took turns in our "patch of sunshine"...even Silky!
Emil shut the motor off and we just floated around and listened to the Righteous Brothers! Fabulous!

A new home that was started last year is still being finshed. This is up at Queen's Bay.

Emil put the petal to the metal...and we were off. This is sort of our maiden voyage since Emil had the boat repaired and a new stereo put in...

The Osprey is back in came tooting along just after we left the narrows...whew! I never want to be there at the same time, as now that the water is low, the narows are even narrower!

"The Creator"

Click on the black arrow at the bottom to see a little video of how great the day was..and hear the music!

Twas a gorgeous day in the neighbourhood today...maybe even the finest day we've had this spring. After a bit of work around the house and yard, we took the opportunity to take the Annie out for a cruise. First time,since Emil had a new stereo installed and boy oh boy, was it a blast to cruise to music...It felt like we were back in the Dominican on that catamaran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bea and Emil on the Annie...good video with music!! I felt just like I was riding on the boat with you. Gosh you were having too much fun!!
Can't wait to come out and go for a spin with yous.
Oh, and to enjoy a lovely bonfire to end the end the day!! Love cuz Lynn