Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunny Saturday!

Ethan with the new bubble blaster..

Joyce and Derrick

Unfortunately one bubble maker didn't work, so Ethan and Jamie had to share

Running is Ethan's full time preoccupation...down to the sand at the beach and back in one minute and forty seconds!

It turned out so beautiful yesterday...thank-you Lord for the sunshine..finally! Barb and Joyce and the kids came out after they had a swim at the pool. The kids were so pooped , we just brought them into the house and put them down to sleep in the bed. They were konked out for the next two hours almost! It gave us time to have a chat and a beer and finish getting dinner ready. Derrick is down to do the mudding on Joyce and Morgan's living -room, now that Emil and Morgan got the dry-wall all up. Joyce will be happy to have her living -room back again, especially in a new lighter bright colour. Wouldn't you know that the latest Metropolitan Home magazine features a big come-back for chocolate and orange! Anyone that knows Joyce's old living -room will know that the walls were chocolate pannelling and the chesterfield, a lovely salmon.....
She is onto something brighter these days.
Lynn, on the other hand has removed the rug from her living room and put in a new darker laminate floor... it looks great for a change in her house...Nicely done too.

Lookin' good..Lynn

"The Creator"

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