Saturday, March 29, 2008

Merry Christmas

And it started to snow ...

Then the big white-out moved in

The neighbours yard looked like a Christmas card scene
Indeed ,it was a good day for cleaning up and doing laundry. I purged the closet of a laundry basket of clothing that can go straight to the Woman's shelter... or somewhere, along with several other collections of ancient unwearables...I have five bags of "Stuff" to unload. Not all mine, and a lot of it is good for someone, but not for me!
By the time I did my vacuuming and purging and kitchen restoration, it was well after 3:00,and I was pooped out. I've been snuffling with this new cold and although, I never felt bad all day, my mouth has been extremely dry... I probably drank a gallon of water today...including one Perrier I found in the downstairs fridge..I had forgotten how refreshing those were..agua con gas... like a club soda , I suppose, but somehow tastier.
Emil spent another day helping Morgan with the drywall for the living-room and they successfully completed the whole room. Emil was a little stiff last night, but said he felt pretty good tonight...heded for his beddy after dinner. Last night he headed for the hot-tub!
Auntie Mary called tonight to see how we all were...what a sweetie. Everyone is worried about her and Uncle. She had the shot in her eye for the macular degeneration, up in Kamloops. It can stave off the blindness, if she can keep up the shots. She is already blind in one eye. I hope that isn't heriditary! My mom had cataracts when she was around 61 years old... and AUntie Mary has had eye problems for many years.
Uncle received more blood over the past few days, and is doing so-so. I guess the next days will tell how he is really doing. Auntie is so sad when she talks about him. How does one deal with the thought of losing a partner that you have been with for 70 years! One great thing is that both Auntie and Uncle, are as sharp as a tack. Nice to grow older and keep your wits about you.

Where am I now?
What was I talking about????
I am considering some of these Brain games to keep my mind sharper..
Okay, I tried a few to see how I was try it...just try reciting the months of the year in alphabetical order. and then in reverse alphabetical order...not me!

Time to play a little Packrat on Facebook. It is totally addictive and like anything else, there are web pages to show you what to collect an how to "Make things"...If you want o shoot away an hour easy, then start your own Packrat game in Facebook... It is compelling!

Oh yes, I nearly forgot to tell everyone that Thursday night was the perfect night for vieing the Jules Verne robotic spaceship, the International space station and the Genesis 1. ...all passing right over Nelson just before 9:00 pm. Emil and I stood outside and watched and watched, and then, like lightening the Jules Verne emerged from behind the southern mountains, followed by the enormously bright International Space Station! It was bigger and brighter that anything in the night sky and moved just over the tops of the mountains, until it faded from site...all in about a minute and a half. These two will come close together tonight, however the weather isn't very co-operative for viewing. You can go to Spaceweather and pop in your city or town and determing whe it will fly over your head... Good Luck and let me know if you see anything!
"The Creator"

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