Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another old Tamlin Family Photo

This is my mom with all of her family, after her older brother, John had married Tina. The one missing from this photo is Irene, who may also have been married at this time. She married Fred Soukerookoff and had baby Fred. Unfortunately she died after giving birth. Fred returned from the United States and then took Helen as his wife. They went on to have a daughter and other sons including Alex, Mike and Sid.

back row..Left to right...
Uncle "Tall John", his wife ( short) Tina, Helen, Alex
Front row left to right
Looks like Pauline, then her father, Micket, and his first wife Nastia (nee Cheveldave), then Mary, holding the flowers. I could have Mary and PAuline, ( my mom) mixed up, but I don't think so... Mom was older, but Mary was taller. I expect the taller part didn't happen till she turned thirteen or so.

Micket and Nastia and baby Fred

Helen and Pauline

"The Creator"

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