Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Snow...

From the bedroom deck,this morning

Note the blue sky...It was pleasant for a good part of the day, despite the chill factor.

Looked pretty pleasant this morning, after a good dump of snow yesterday.
Fortunately, it wasn't enough to make the roads too mucky, just lumps of ice here and there... Our road out here still isn't plowed. Okey, I'd love to yap, but I am starved...10:00 and still no dinner...
I was talking to Sonia and Annette... there is a big open house at Annette's Van City Location, with lots of Prizes, so go see her , if you are in Victoria. It is the little hidden Credit Union somewhere up past the MacDonald's.

Meanwhile, Sonia did have to take charge and evacuate her building after the fire bells went off yesterday. Like she said... if you smell smoke...somewhere there is fire. Turned out to be a small explosion in a business under and behind their office.
Doesn't that just boost your confidence in the Provincial Emergency system? Luckily they have a secondary sight that can be set up in minutes where the whole operation can run from.
Two days into her new position as Super, and she has to deal with a fire in the building!
There was no serious damage and no one was injured, but it was a good wake -up call. When the alarms go off, get everyone out of the building...and that is what Sonia did. Way to go girl! Maybe she will get another promotion!

Have to try for an earlier bedtime tonight! I ws up late getting all of the PAmpered chef and Epicure stuff in order to mail away... and it went off today by Express post. With good luck, it should be back in time for Christmas parties!

Oh yes, it was the big win for Chris and I at work today...$10.00 on the 649 and $10.00 on Super Seven, plus a free play! Yahooo... So we celebrated with capacinos! Took me till Wednesday to check the tickets, but hey, it all turned out good... to the food now!

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