Friday, September 28, 2007

Burning slash above Redfish

Just above Ed and Linda's house, across the lake from us, on Thursday

It started small , but ended up in a raging inferno in an area that had been logged last summer. I thought rage would surely take out every tree on the mountain,if it kept moving uphill at its present speed.

This is when a huge pile of slash was ignited. By nightfall, it looked as tho the whole mountain would burn up.
Fortunately, the big pile burned rapidly and the fire that seemed to be going straight up the mountain and into the trees,just subsidedinto a hot red glow by midnight. This morning it was still smoldering and tonight, there are only a few hot-spots left.

Coming home from work on Wednesday, I could this slash burning up the mountain above Sitkum creek. In total the forestry conducted three big burns over two days. This is to clear the forest floor of debris, to prevent a real fire from taking off, during the next dry season.
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