Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gramma Lynn with her kididdles

There's always room on the knee for one more!

Brand Spanky New Boy! Job well done, Nadine and Dick!

Wait a minute...who is the real Princess here!

Lynn sent me these cute pics of her new grandson and her having fun with the Princess... One big happy family that has grown by one more..., so now Lynn and Bob have five grandchildren... Ok, looks like it will be awhile before I catch up! Good thing we are all pretty close...I can have fun with all of them too!...which begs the question...When do we get to play with the Babies???

Meanwhile, Joyce is on her way to Edmonton today...if she got beyond the Salmo-Creston.. I heard it was a real mess with a heavy snowfall happening... She at least had her snowtires on. I'll calll Morgan in the am to see how she did...or someone can email me...I always worry about my sister, but she is a pretty tenacious driver , making me think she did fine.
I hope to get away myself, at the end of the week... but no snowtires so I will be checking the weather reports! Might have to put them on!
In the first place, I have come down with a cold that came right out of the blue. I gardened all Saturday afternoon and felt fine, and then whammo...on Sunday, I was sneezing and blowing my nose like crazy all day and my sleep Sunday night was the pits.. plus the power bumped on and off seven times at 3:30 am...What was with that? Probably some newbie at the controls.
So tonight I still don't feel wonderful, but loaded up on drugs at Walmart after work,thus my nights' sleep ought to be improved.
Have a good week.
I am slowly making small accomplishments in my upstairs... I repainted my white frames that used to be all oak finished. Now I have begun to fill some of the picture frames with photos...my latest batch was from the Grand Canyon and I must say , they look pretty good. I have a big poster from the Grand Canyon, as well, and Sonia had it backed for me at Costco. Once I get the poster , I can hang all of the pics in one of the bedrooms... sort of like surround sound... only this will be surround Canyon:-)
ok...to bed, before I nod off.. g'night!
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