Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hot Howdy

Today and the next few days will be a test of your heat tolerance ability. It was a scorcher today in Nelson, but is expected to rise to 40* both tomorrow and Friday. Chris bought another fan and extended the ducting on the little air conditioner that he brought from home. We kept the lights turned off for most of the day and all in all, people were walking in and saying that it was cooler in the store. The temp eventually rose to 82*, but that is 3* less than the day before ,when it topped 85* by five o'clock.. I suspect that air conditioning will be a pipe dream for us, but in the meantime, the current solution is temporarily working. ...especially if I am at the back of the store, where it si the coolest. We'll see how things go...
something to remove the humidity would be the ideal answer.

So lots of things are happening. In fact, the days are breezing by so quickly that before I know it, we'll be heading down to Vegas for C's big 4-0 birthday. I can't wait! So many of us will be there, that it will be a blast. In the meantime, we are still looking to book a flight out to the Grand Canyon...just can't decide on the right one. Sonia is the senior researcher in that department, so I am counting on her to come up with a great plan! I am getting excited!
I think Lynn is already packed!
It will be a fun time with so many of us there at once. Any recommendations for entertainment ? Let me know, tho I am a bit of a magic show junkie...but anything will do...just a matter of getting out to do it.
So , has everyone joined up to Facebook now? It is the coolest way to connect with friends and relatives, and has an easy upload for photos...makes blogger's system look like a snail. In fact, the whole facebook system works so well, that I might have to ditch the blog in favour of Facebook!
In any case, it has opened up a whole world of reconnected friends...especially for my daughters.
The people I look for , have dropped off the face of the earth. One good thing to do, is to add your maiden name to your name for ease of people finding you.

Other happenings, include dinner at our house for the Chris and Carolyne and family on Friday.
I am working on a peach desert, my friend told me about.

I am off Friday, and then I will work for Patricia on Saturday instead. On Sunday, Emil wants to try out his new Kicker motor, so maybe we'll take the boat for a spin.

Now my raspberries are starting to ripen,s o it will be raspberry heaven in the days to come. I weeded out a bunch of nettles out of the raspberries tonight. Just to make picking a little easier.

Then there is a surprise event on the 28th, and then Sonia will be here with the kids(and pooch) and it will be "Look-out Vegas Baby!"

Okey dokey...bedtime has come and I am heading to bed.
Parden me if I slow down on the blogging. Summer is always busy, so my posts will be sporadic... Check facebook to see my minute by minute updates..ha-ha!

"The Creator"

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