Friday, July 13, 2007

Frozen Chicken Halal (Ceccon Export E Import Repres. Ltda, Brazil)

Frozen Chicken Halal (Ceccon Export E Import Repres. Ltda, Brazil)
This is kind of funny...I started off on a link to sellers of shoes and went to a Brazil site, and before you know it, I found a supplier of Sandles and Frozen chicken. Isn't there something odd about that combination?
The other sites I came across, specialized in selling used clothing. One company won an award for the highest amount of trade in used clothing, auto parts, tires Africa of all places...and they netted over five million dollars last year!
Another company, from British Columbia, that employs five people, netted over a million selling those charms or dibets, that go into the holes of holey shoes... I think I am in the wrong industry...
To be truthful, I heard that the used clothing industry is huge, so huge that there is no way of tracking how much used product is being sent out of Canada. So when you take your old duds to the thrift store, beware of which one, as someone is making a lot of dough from you and me!

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