Monday, June 18, 2007

Nice Soiree at Rynn and Licks

The men folk sitting around and shooting the breeze...

Now that was a good joke... Dick is laughing his head off...

Peter and Anne having a serious discussion...

Emil found a little buddy...

Anne having a blast...Whahoo!!

Sunday turned out to be intermitantly lovely...rain shine rainshine rain shine rain shine,shine rain, all day.
Peter and Elli and Joanne all came over for breakfast, which was running late , due to my inability to get the Blintzi to look like they are supposed to. Too much baking soda or not enough flour or something...maybe it was all just too much... needed more eggs...who knows? Lets say that several hit the ditch before the right formula was arrived at,so that each one could be made in less than a minute of cooking.
With four breakfast hopefuls sitting at the table, I was in a hurry to get them out of the fry pan and into the plates. All in all, they turned out fine enough with their huckleberry and strawberry or peach fillings, to make everyone full, and then we sat around an blabbed for an hour over coffee.
Eventually we migrated over to the boat and got it winched up out of the water and Emil and I put on the new name decals. Emil called her "Annie" in memory of his dear sweet mom, who always wanted Emil to have a boat.. now it is here when she is not...bittersweet, once again.

After five more weather changes , and having made the black bean salad, Emil and I drove over to Lynn and Ricks, where he had a golden crispy brown turkey being BBQ'd ...The smell was like Christmas in June! Yum. All of the neighbours brought delicious additions to the meal . Marlene and Bill made their famous baked beans and they also brought a beautiful cheesecake topped with die for...Yum! Ann did up two of the best pies in the world...she sure can make a pie crust! One was apple and raspberry and the other was Apple! Elli brought stuffed mushrooms and a beautiful green salad and I contributed a black bean and cilantro salad and a plate of chocolate iced brownies... Yum again! The meal was fab with the turkey and gravy and stuffing, and within an hour the food was nearly all inhaled!
Meanwhile, I could hardly move,as my hips were giving me hell...probably from climbing in and out of the boat, the day before. We left a tad on the early side and called it a night! I went home and ran a jacuzzi with a scoop of 2nd Nature Muscle Soak in it. I don't know what the magic ingredient is, but the joints felt 100% better when I crawled out of the tub!

Well,Ithink it is time to hit the hay...the longer I sit, the stiffer my hips get...
I'll try to upload pics tomorrow,as two trys tonight only created an BX-t4589 error message...right... and good night... I'll have to tell you about Sonia's birthday trip to Vancouver to connect with her old friend, Lynn .

"The Creator"

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