Tuesday, February 20, 2007

They turned Pink


Yep, Just as the name suggests.."French Pink Pussy Willows"
I checked out of the pruning process and you can prune them back to nothing every spring, before they go to bloom. Every three years, you can go right back to the main trunk of the tree to encourage loads of new growth. The branches on our tree grew to be five feet long,once we fenced the tree off from the deer, last summer.Imagine, if it gets to grow right from spring...should be a pretty show next year as all.

29 cm new snow at Whitewater, it says...and a blizzard going on up in Rossland, so says the radio. It looks pretty grey out there. The pwere went off and on at least five times last night! I feel like some kind of Zombie today..best hit the shower.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgous Bea!! I love pussywillows---but I never saw PINK ones so beautiful. Can't believe they are ready to pick. Should go looking for some?
We just had the second Huge Hail Storm today!!
What strange weather we're having.L