Friday, January 19, 2007

Read this before downloading music files

Download Guide
This is a good guide to which download programs are the best...according to this fellow, of course. I used to use Limewire and it seemed fine, until my computer bit it. I am not saying that Limewire downloads caused the problem, but the fellow at the Computer shop said that most worms and trojans are delivered right along with those nice music files that you download. So...if you do the deed, be ye careful and make sure it is only what you were asking for.

Well, week one back to work seemed to be a long one. Of course it isn't nearly as busy with Christmas and exchanges over with, so it is giving me time to clean the glass shelves and generally spend a little more time with each customer. We had a couple of nice skiing tourists from Montreal, who came all the way out here for a ski vacation, because there was no snow in Quebec. Surely wasn't that way when we lived there, except for one year when we had a green Christmas...then by January all hell broke loose and we were in the snow until April.
That is about all it did today, is snow. I cleared all the walks and patios the night before last, then last night, I did the front and side patio, and this morning, I did the front again, and part of the back patio. It didn't seem to matter, because Emil had to shovel all of them when he returned home today, as it snowed for most of the day. It looked like rain almost, but at -3*, it was snow. The roads weren't horrendous, but I wouldn't want to be those ski guys, who were planning on driving all night to Vancouver... crazy guys!!
ok, I think I'll check this recommended download site and see what it is all about, after I make popcorn.
I ate at KFC tonight and I must admit that for 7.49. you got one heck of a plate of food...their new "Chicken Fries, a salad, a chicken combo with fries and a single piece of chicken and a drink. I brought home half the fries,a few of the chicken fries, and the piece of chicken. The chicken burger filled me up.
Well, there is always room for popcorn!:-)

Besides, I had one of Sonia's Martinis and that ,I suppose, has made me hungry enough for popcorn.
They are easy to make and taste great. An ice shaker makes it all the better.
1 shot of Vanilla Rum or regular rum
1 shot of cranberry juice ( Light and clear if you can find it)
1 shot of pineapple juice
1 shot of sourpuss apple ( green stuff in a squiggly bottle,found at Safeway)
Shake all in a shaker with ice and pour into a martini glass and drink.
I prefer to pour the ice and all, into a glass and drink it that way. Yum Yum
Cheers and here's to a great about some x country skiing????

"The Creator"

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