Saturday, December 09, 2006

New Pics !

Thanks Lynn and Nadine for these very sweet "New Farah-Doo!" pics of little Miss QT and Marilyn Monroe before her Christmas party, and who is that gal with the dark hair?? She has recently lost many pounds, so you may not recognize her... Way to go girl!
Now if I could only zip up my trap and go see an exorcist to get the hungry demon out of my belly. I commend anyone who can stick to a diet and an "exorcise " plan.

"The Creator"

Welcome to Colour do you like the colour...lots of it...very typical of me...load up on the paint and let her go!
It has a name W 2.o .
Mainly ,it will be the format of the future...loads of colour, no square boxes and lots of 3-D. I'm still working on that part of it. To me, it seems like they are taking up a cartoon style of web page to keep people interested and to make it fun and lively. That will be me... fun and colourful!

It was a good Saturday today. I finished all of my wrapping! TA-DA! ( Looks like a demolition zone upstairs!)
I packed up two huge boxes to send to the kids and now, it is just a matter of topping them off with as many styrofoam chips as possible! In fact, if anyone needs styrofoam chips, just let me know. Maybe I should be thinking about making a bean-bag chair. That wouldn't be too hard, especially if I make it out of an orange garbage bag! HMMMMmmmm....

Emil made it back from his Vancouver trip ...sounds like it all went well and lucky him, he actually landed in Castlegar! I had visions of a phone call, saying he was back in Kelowna. The fog was most of the way down the mountain across the lake from us, all day. I guess the morning plane never landed, but his flight did. He said it was packed.

We went out for a nice hot-tub tonight...little snowflakess cascading down out of the heavens...right to the inside of my housecoat. Not pleasant when I put it on, after the tub. Oh well, I suppose I should be getting geared up for the Polar Bear dip!

Anne has invited us for dinner tomorrow night...nice of her. It will be Lynn and Rick, and Barry and Ursela, again. Should be a fun night. I'll try to get a few peops in for dinner next Sunday...Janice and Gord and Linda and Ed. Linda and Ed have hosted so many dinners that I feel definately overdue.
So really, there is only two weeks left till Christmas. Where has the time gone to?
Best I get my butt in gear to send out cards. I am boycotting the Xmas letter....mainly because I write most everything in the bloggy,s o what else would be news?

I suppose I could make stuff up...hmmmm... ...How we spent our Lottery the trek to over the Great Wall of China I adopted two infants...forget that would ever believe it!

I am tired of hearing about the weird sister-in-law of the cousin, or Matilde's high colonic, or the Mixatarian lifestyle you've switched to.
I am bored with all the groups you've chosen to lead, and I hate that you've lost ten pounds when I have been gaining. I can't bear to read one more letter that starts off.." Well, another year has come and gone..."
I can't believe that some people think I can actually read that mini letter that has been shrunk from an 8 1/2" x 11" paper down to a note the size of the palm of my hand.
I do, however, love pics of the kidlets, s o keep those coming, but spare me the details of your mother's gall bladder operation. There should be a law about speaking about surgeries in a Christmas letter... Say, did I tell you I had my annual check-up with my proctologist? OMG. I think I have heard it all...and probably sent it all, myself. So lets be firends and share a personal
note or your signature at least...and who it is to.

Sometimes that annoys me..

Love Bob Sleigh

and that is it..oh yes, and sometimes they put the date with that... then spend 51 cents plus tax to mail it to me.
Maybe I am turning into the Christmas Grinch. So we'll all try to shape up.
Speaking of Grinch... What do you do with the Christmas letters? Hang them for everyone to read? Keep them in a near-by drawer? Toss them in the garbage? Pile them up somewhere?
I think I will print off some Xmas labels for my return address stickers...what photo to use?????

"The Creator"

Friday, December 08, 2006

When it Stinks

Ok, I admit it...the bottom of my slipper was covered in a blob of brown. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that one has stepped in sh*t...probably doggy-doo-doo, and worse yet, it probably belonged to my own dog!
It was dried on, now that it had been sitting all day on the mat by the front door. Did I mention that the brown doggy doo-doo was on the sole of my NEW sheepskin booty slippers?
Still, one sniff from three feet away,and I knew it wasn't mud. It was pooooooo-poo! Poo-poo doesn't come off all that easy, once it has dried. I first tried with toilet paper. That was almost hopeless, then I was looking for an old toothbrush. That, turned my stomach.
I had to run the whole sole of the slipper under hot water and hope for the best,as I intermittently wiped the poop off, with a wad of T.P.
Disgusted by it all, I continued to discover little bits of the organic stuff ground into the kitchen floor, and in the door matt. Ugh.
Moral of the story..... If you take the dog outside while it is still dark, wear boots and watch what you are stepping in.
Bedtime now as I am yawning crazily and Silk is whining to go poop.

"The Creator"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

X-Country Skiing

Seven of the Badminton team met at Connie's last night and donned our cross country skis for a moonlit ski through Kokanee-Creek Provincial Park. Although, Sharon's hubby, Bud , is not on the badminton team, he was the lead of our "Conga-Train" for the night...and a good leader he was. Ouar first hurdle was to chicken -walk up the foot bridge that crosses Kokanee Creek. I kept praying that I wouildn't start skiing in reverse and slide back to the beginning. With one last grunt, I made it up what seemed to be a stair, onto the deck of the bridge. It went better than I expected, and launching off the other end down a winding sloped continuation of the bridge, proved to be almost as tricky. I nearly skiied right over-top of poor Sue, as I couldn't figure out how one puts on the brakes when your ski route is only about three feet wide with railings and support posts on either side. I guess they have it all wheel-chair accessible for the summer visitors,and those viewing the red kokanee ,as they go up the creek to spawn.
Bud kept the train of gals on track, by being the trail breaker in many cases, and he led us up and down the roads that join the campsites together, until we emerged fromt he forest and into the day park area. The lake spread out before us with a beautiful night vista showing up all the lights reflecting alongside the lakeshore, and for an added touch , the full moon popped out of the clouds.
We all wished we had thought of bringing a camera along for that one shot of a lifetime.. silohuettes of 7 skiers in a line, white snow glistening up front, lake shimmering in the back and a full moon surrounded by aring of puffy clouds.

So no-one had a camera, but the visual will live on ,in the memory bank. It was pristine!
Everone shut of their headlamps and followed one another int he bright moonlite, all along the beach for a kilometer or so, without a sound, except for the odd honking of a Canada Goose, camped out on the lake somewhere.
We doubled back and forth several times to give me the work-out of my life, ( besides the shovelling episode of the night before) and when someone suggested we begin to head back, I was gung -ho. By then, Sue and I were both pretty pooped. I am sure we had put on over five kilometers in six inch deep snow, at that point. We wwere still near the visitor centre, and had to ski back tot he bridge..this time ,making our way up the winding ramp ( another heave to launch myself onto the deck of the bridge) .
I was greatfull to be back at the start,as by then, my shoulder was giving me a bit of pain.

Afterwards, the girls, and Bud ( he has the backhoe service out on the North-shore) all congregated at Sue's place to celebrate Connie's 54th birthday. Mare had brought a lovely double layer chocolate cake, and everyone else pitched in with munchies, making it into a regular badminton party. Mare was up to her usual non-stop story telling, which provided us with many laughs. She also brought along a box of Pepper and Olive Oil-Triscuits. Something new and delicious to look for at your favourite supermarket, cause they are not at the page I have linked you to!
At ten o'clock, I called it a night and so did everyone else. I was glad to get home and fall into bed.

Look at me tonight...still doodle-farting around on the puter and it is heading towards midnight.
I chatted with Sonia andAnnette tonight and caught up on all of the news. Sonia's cough is a little better, and Annette seems to be doing great at her new job, and everyone is getting ready for Xmas. Me too. I hung up this very nifty strip above the patio doors, put out by velcro, to hang my cards on. Works like a damn and comes from Canadian tire. Might not be enough card hanger-upper velcros, but we'll deal with that later. I only have three cards at the moment to hang!
Good night... I am falling off my perch. I spent a good amount of my evening looking up hot spots to vacation in, come January.

"The Creator"

Monday, December 04, 2006

More of the white stuff

I'm dropping over from all the shovelling I ddi tonight. I couldn't believe that we got all that much snow. I am off to beddy byes before I fall off my perch. The badminton gals want to go moonlight night skiing tomorrw night. i hope my legs are more rested by then. It is Connie's birthday so we might have a little cake after the skiing...I'll keep you posted.

"The Creator"

Squirrel Foils the House Animals

Nutsy, the Squirrel was having fun with Soleil and Silky, on Sunday. In fact,the cat ran right into the patio door glass, whilst trying to catch the squirrel! Emil had a great laugh watching the antics between outdoor life and indoor life...too funny. I think this little guy, cute as he may be, is turning into a little pest!
"The Creator"

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Met home

Take a peak at the new Metroplitan Home Magazine website...nice stuff there!

"The Creator"

Good Week-end come and gone...

I don't know how the week-end comes and goes so fast...Of course,with only two days off,one has to pack it all into the 48 hours that you have at your discretion. My week-end was planned when I got the word that my Candle order had arrived from Partylight...all six boxes of it. Whew! Talk about heavy...I loaded it all up into the car on Friday,shortly after it arrived at Emil's office. Good thing the seats fold down in our new little rig..the boxes all fit in like magic!
Emil had dropped over to Finley's for a wine with Gord and Janice before they headed over for curling. I opted to not have a drink,as everyone knows that Counter-Attack has begun, and to drink and drive would just be foolish.
We made it home without incident, but our friends, Gord and Jan got stopped after curling and unfortunately it was brought to their attention that their car insurance had expired. Yep, easy to do, but not a wise idea. Out of the car they had to get,and a tow truck was called,so there they were...left standing at the end of the orange bridge around ten o'clock at night with no vehicle to drive and a carload of groceries, and some thiry kilometers between them and their home!
Then there comes the shell-out...75 bucks for the tow-truck and a whopping five hundred plus for the fine for driving with no insurance coverage! Whoooo-doggies! Not a pleasant piece of news just before Xmas.
On that note, everyone go mark their calendar when their car insurance expires and better yet, get in there a few days or even a week ahead of the expirey. They easily pro-rate it, so you have the option of renewing early.

Saturday morning, Emil helped me to sort this ginormous order of Partylite. Good thing, or I would have been still sorting! Once that was complete, we both went for a X-country ski...down along the beach. Drinkwater had been out ski-dooing, so it was a good track to follow way down to the big dock near the ferry. Emil went that far, but I never. My toes were beginning to cramp up, but other than that, I did ok.
Sounds like some of the badminton gals are going to go to Kokanee park one of the nights this week to x-country ski. I might go with them, if I have the energy. Certainly sounds like fun!
Linda called Friday night to invite us over for dinner with Jan and Gord. Nice treat for us. They have recently painted all of the kitchen and living -room in a warm sunny butter colour. definately was a huge improvement over the stark original whitish colour that was there from when they bought.
Oh yes, Friday night after coming home from town,and unloading all the Partylite boxes, Emil and I headed for the hot-tub. Now that was an awesome soak...the moon was burning a hole in the clouds,and we were drenched in moonshine...all good!

Janice brought cranberry everything to have with the chicken that Linda had prepared. She created a tasty cranberry salsa...lots of chopped cranberries,two whole big oranges coarsley chopped and then a jalapeno pepper finely chopped, and a few tablespoons of cilantro chopped up. Everyone inhaled it with chips, as it was flavourful and delicious.Janice also did orange flavoured cranberry sauce for the chicken. Made us all wake up to dynamic new tastes!
Dinner was yummy and then we settled down for a rousing game of Mexican Train, where Ed won! He was pretty lucky,if I do say so myself.
Darn, I am falling asleep and falling off my perch. I will call it a night pretty quick here.
I spent today delivering the candles and it pretty much consumed the day. Joyce was sweet enough to come along with me to Castlegar, where we met Lynn at Joey's Only and we all ordered something fishy for our lunch. Us cousins had a good blab and lots of hugs and then went on our way. At Canadian Tire, I picked up bird seed, since the little Nuthead Squirrel has been cleaning out the birdfeeder every day. Joyce also gave me suet. I'll have to make a point of hanging it up one of the maples. All the bird species love it. Today we had a huge eagle land up in the Cottenwood trees. It appeared to be an immature eagle, but definately not immmature in size. It stood nearly 3 feet tall from what I could figure.
I built an easy pot of soup after I returned home...Hot Italian sausage and black bean soup. THis is quite easy...just toss a few cans of tomatoes into a large pot and then add some chicken broth or a little water to stretch it out a bit. To this, add a can or two of black beans or mixed beans or one of each, that has been rinsed in cold water. as the soup cooks, you can flavour it up with a dash of Italian spice, extra garlic ,or whatever you have on hand. I fried up a chopped cooking onion with a few stalks of celery,also chopped. When all was sauteed, I dumped it into the pot of soup! Did I mention that one should have the hot Italian sausages ( Johnsonville's are tasty) frying up. I sliced each one into little slices and comntiued to fry until they were cooked through. I added water to the fry-pan to keep them from burning.
So now you have your pot of soup. To it ,add the fried sausage pieces and then add the fried onion.Also I added some frozen spinach that I had in the freezer...Fresh would be better ( Just don't cook the spinach long once it is in the soup)! I couldn't decide on a set flavour for spices, but opted to add a sprinkle of Italian seasoning, some garlic seasoning and pepper and a little salt. I had a bowl of soup, a salad and some squash that Lynn kindly gave me. All was good and now I am a happy camper who has to plunge into bed before I do a faceplant onto the floor. Good night all... HAppy eating!
It was a delicious way to end the day. Pardon my typing. Seems my fingers are all stiff...

"The Creator"