Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Casting for the Stephen King's Dark Tower Series...

Roland Deschain: Josh Holloway who portrayed Sawyer on the Lost Series....Can he pull off the Last Gunslinger chasing the Man in Black across the desert...looking for the Dark Tower?
I pictured Rowland as someone different,more rugged,but hey with a little make-up, blue eyes,and hair dyed black ..I liked his style in Lost although I was thinking about Johnny Depp. I think he has the tenacity and the age factor,and mystery going for him.
We will see what Ron Howard comes up with. Check the link for a suggested list of characters on a blog named OLOGY by Chelsea Davison : http://www.ology.com/screen/dark-tower-my-dream-cast#comment-19353
I will be first in the line-up at the theatre if it comes to the big screen! Makes me want to reread the series ,now that I am retired!

What about Silky playing the bumbler named Oy? She is far too pretty,I think!

"The Creator"


Ronda said...

She's beautiful!!!

Buzzy said...

Thank-you ...Silky loves you!So are you Ronda...cute picture of you in your skivvies!

Buzzy said...

Thank-you ...Silky loves you!So are you Ronda...cute picture of you in your skivvies!