Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hawaii meets Harrop

Five young'ens were out on Saturday doing some fabulous Kite surfing/boarding ( that's what I call it!) The winds were strong and the waves big, and they were performing a few tricks when they could catch a big wave.It was quite the phenomena for this area.. and yes, they were all wearing wet suits! I was amazed that they hung on for over an hour... Their arms must have been dropping off!

The water is at its lowest now and as you can see, the sandbar is showing
and the sand bridge to get out to the bar is completely out of the water... but perhaps not for long. Soon the lake will begin to fill up and that will be the end of all the beautiful beaches for another two months nearly. I guess it all depends on our snow melt. The cool weather of last week brought 40 centimeters of new snow up to Whitewater ski hill,which might help to keep our forests from burning up this summer!

Last night we had a lovely bonfire in Ashley and Deb's burner that they set up in the courtyard... The wind wouldn't abate, but we all stuck it out! Randy and Frances came and later our new neighbour, David joined us with his two sons for hot dogs roasted over the open fire... Yum! it wasn't without the gourmet touch, as Frances made an extra thick home made pizza dough pizza stuffed full of feta cheese and pineapple and good meats... yum! Also she made a home cooked apple pie that was pretty tasty too! Deb and I brought wieners and buns and she made her famous lemon squares... a thin layer of shortbread type buttery crust, and a layer of real lemon filling topped with a very thin layer of something sweet to give it a topping... very delicious also.
Seeing how I worked on income tax stuff most of yesterday and filing, I made a quickie pizza with a Naan bread crust topped with tomato paste, spices, mozzarella cheese, sun dried tomatoes and yellow peppers and sliced mushrooms... It was tasty too and with all that good food, I can honestly say, there weren't a heck of a lot of left-overs.
Ok, on with the day.
I had a nice chat with Annette this morning, and a little Blackberry chat with Sonia who sent me pics of her and Lawrence walking on the beach... how cool was that?
Time to bath the dog, then back to shredding up more paper while Emil sands the deficiencies in the Men's lounge. I love this annual clean out of the file mi favorito!
It is windy and freezing out, but if it warms up, I might go try to stick in a row of spinach.
Have a great Sunday!
"The Creator"
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are they wind surfing at Sunshine Bay?? Why too cool...and I bet that water is freezing!!