This is quite the interesting site called Stumbleupon. You join up with a simple password and it will ask if you want to run a couple of things... I know, kind of taboo, but I did it anyhow just because I have anti everything installed on this computer... and then here you are at the Stumbleupon website. First you tick off areas of interest...say art or gardening, unitl you have selected all that interests you. Then it puts a Stumbleupon button on Internet explorer and when you click on it, the web page will go to one of the Stumble upon sites.
You can choose to like it, dislike it, or share it. So I checked off photography and when I selected to stumble upon photography, it brought up a wonderful gallery of images taken of wild animals in Africa... amazing photos. Next I tried Games, and went throught several that were either cute or too hard for me. Then I tried Art and it took me to a Jackson Pollock painting site, where you could draw like Jackson Pollock. Another site had me drawing snowflakes that could revolve in 3-D. So it lets you stumble from one web page to the next and you get to choose which area is of interest to you. Also, you may suggest websites. In five minutes and ten websites, it made me realize how tunnel-visioned I have become, by going to the same websites over and over. This can offer up all sorts of new and exciting websites and you don't even have to get your brain out of the cobwebs to find something pretty amazing to look at. I like it!
Go to sign up today.
Have a Happy St. PAddie's day tomorrow!
"The Creator"
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