Thursday, November 05, 2009

H1N1 Flu Clinics

You can go to this link and check the PDF guide to find out when a clinic will be happening in your area if you are in the Interior Helath Region. I see one on Friday in Nelson, but it looks like it is for the Pregnant women, infants, and health care providers, if I could read the fine print on the PDF guide. Check this site regularly if you have hopes of getting the flu shot for H1N1. My doc wouldn't give me the seasonal flu shot BEFORE the H1 N1 shot, unless I planned on not getting the H1 N1.
Seems like a little confusion around this area, but in the meantime, wash your hands often, keep the hands out of your mouth and nose, and wash down anything with an antibacterial ( Lysol brand) solution if a sick person has touched it, such as telephones, doorhandles , etc. The bacteria can live for 48 hours on anything.
LAst but least, if you come down with a sore throat and cough accompanied by a high fever, or any swelling at the joints, call the 811 health hotline to see if you should take further action. A dose of Tamiflu anti viral in the first 3 or 4 days of H1N1 flu, can considerably lessen the length and strength of the flu, and may prevent hospitalization.
So far, this must be prescribed by your doctor, but they certainly don't want to see you in their office, so call for a prescription.
Good Luck on your decision to get or forget the shot. I think the high risk group isn't my age group, so I am not too worried, as I was born before 1957,and don't have major health risks happening. If there is still some flu shot available at the end, I will consider getting it, as we will have plenty of customers over the Xmas season that could be carrying it. You are contagious for 7 days, so they say.If it looks too dicey and there are no shots available...Moi will be Masking up!
"The Creator"

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