Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Emil's big Prize!

Look at this beauty from the depths of Kootenay Lake... 12 and a half pounds of solid fish!

The day was so beautiful that Emil decided to go for a few hours of fishing this afternoon. He only just got his line let out when "Bingo", Barney was singing along on his line and doing high dives out of the water. poor Emil never even had his fish net brought out of the back of the boat! With everything amuck, the fish miraculously held on and be darned if Emil didn't get it all reeled in! Good Boy Emil!
Unfortunately, his downrigger cable got all wound up in his little motor and snapped the cable... He stopped at Gord's place and Gord helped him sort out that problem.

"The Creator"
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Wayne Kuzek said...

Way to go Emil. Is that a Rainbow?

Anonymous said...

That sure looks like A Good Catch Emil!! Awsome work.

Now when are we going to taste it/?? ha

Buzzy said...

Yep it is a Famous Girard Rainbow trout, and you'll taste it as soon as you come to visit!