Thursday, October 08, 2009

Virginia and Joyce and Kendra

What a nice visit we had tonight! Virginia nd Kendra dn Joyce drove out for dinner and a oh my... Kendra is quite the little French immersion and doesn't miss a trick... She is curiously smart and has a comment about pretty much everything! Her love is artwork and crafts, so I loaded her up with many crafts that the kids don't play with anymore and that should keep her amused for the next day at Gramma Joyce's! Yesterday, Grandpa Morgan taught her how to count with Roman Numerals...not too shabby for a 6 year old! We had a fun with her, thats for sure! It was good to see Virginia again,albeit brief. Better that than nothing! Corey had to work and thus we will have to catch him next time.
Time to check Facebook to see if Lynn made it safe and sound to Alberta, and to see if little Noah is loving being at Grandma and Grandpas in Canada!
Have a great night and a super Turkey Thanksgiving this weekend!

Virginia having a tea after hot-tubbing

Crafting Kendra! Emil watches on!

Enjoying the hot-tub

Yummy dinner with Joyce and Virginia and Kendra
"The Creator"
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