Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pictures from Joyce and Spring Forward tonight!

Last weekend Correna and her friend Karen braved the highways and drove down from Edmonton so that KAren's son could visit his pony that Morgan is boarding until spring. Pony Boy, as the pony is known, was Ian's Christmas present. He was one happy little boy!

Ian, Karen, Jordan, and Correna down near the canal.

And here is a site we haven't seen... the canal being emptied for maintance... shows you how deep it is and it isn't even completely empty.

And here is a sure sign of spring. Joyce's little snowdrops are up out of the ground and blooming... Aren't they refreshing to see! Thanks Joyce for sending spring my way.
I am going to try to pick the rest of my pussy willows. They also make me feel springy but nothing like the sight of a fresh flower blooming. My garden is so far under the snow that it will be June before I see a stitch of green , I think.
In the menatime, I thought I would test a few of my old seeds and also plant some pansies upstairs. I must say the pansies did come up as well as some lemon basil, but that is it. Time to chuck out the ancient seeds.
Yes, spring is in our hearts, but upon looking out hte window all we see is giant flacons de neige falling, and the wind blowing. I think I better take a photo and send it to our neighbours, Ann and Dick, who are somewhere in the southern United States waiting for better weather before returning home .
it is brutal looking outside right now.
Lynn is supposed to be on her way over to Joyce's. There is a big banguet in honour of the one hundredth anniversary of the United Church in Nelson. Tomorrow they will have a church service and will be sealing a time capsule in the wall. How cool is that? I am going to go in and meet up with Lynn and Joyce for church and brunch tomorrow. I hope the weather improves.
Emil is still in Victoria playing MArtha Stewart as he cooks and keeps watch over the kids... He is doing so well...I am really proud of him! The kids might not be as excited, but they are fed and watered and haven't injured each other yet!
Deb and I met with the girls for Badminton last night at Chillers... it was a short night as it was freezing int here and then the band was about to start up,s o we left, but not before we had a few laughs with Sharon. She is always pretty funny.
And dear Deb made me dinner on Thursday night ...a lovely spinach salad and a grilled chicken breast... yum! I thawed out some chicken for dinner tonight as I am getting tired of leftovers from my big dinner of last weekend. One person here and I am not eating my way through the fridge like I thought I would. Good! I am not having any trouble with the muffins I made tho!

Ok, I feel like going down for a nap but better get on with general cleanup, then look at some income tax stuff and also try to remember to spring forward with the clocks tonight...Yea! I am so happy to have more daylight!

Oh yes, did I mention that I found a nice online store to buy shoes at?
I ordered a couple of pairs and one pair arrived in 2 days! Pretty terrific aye? The website is Canadian ( shoes came from Burnaby) and they carry all my favourite styles. The store is called

I found the Sketchers I need for spring ,plus a new pair for next winter. Both were on sale to boot!

In my mailbox yesterday was the patterns I ordered online from Mc Calls/Butterick. They had a huge sale and I got three patterns for less than the price of one or two around here. I found my stash of beautiful fabric that I bought in Peru and have decided that it is time to do soemthing with it before the moths eat it, since most of it is Alpaca wool. I just perused the patterns this morning and realize that if I am to sew them up, I have some serious relearning to do. It has been an age since I have sewn anything except seeds..ha-ha... different kind of Sew/Sow. I'm going to take a stab at it. There are two different pant patterns that can be made into capris. I had ordered capris from Sears and they were butt ugly...really bad... BAck they went.

Now I am thinking I could just sew up two or three pairs of pants out of this beautiful cool wool that looks like linen... I'm afraid to cut into it! If it works, the pant will be lovely....
I might start by getting some sharp new needles for my sewing machine tomorrow after brunch, and buying the thread and interfacing so I can begin. I took some measurements and it looks like the lengths are all long for my legs , too big for my bust and not big enuf for my fat butt, so there will be a few alterations in order. Lucky the pattern comes with a step by step pre-fitting guide.
Ok. time to actually get something done around is still snowing out. yuchy.
Have a great week-end and thanks Joyce for all the photos !

"The Creator"
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