Sunday, November 09, 2008

Our walk today

Can't recall the name of these berries, but they sure stood out in the trees today. (oh yes, the bears eat these it appears in the poop!) Lynn and I took a lovely hike around the neighbourhood this morning, taking advantage of the mild weather.

Looking back , up towards the house. Pretty brown, but soon there will be snow. This is where our walk ended.

Ok, so we are going backwards on the walk here. Lynn, getting her camera set. Note that Emil's boat is gone. He has been in the fishing derby all week-end.

Backwards walking... here we cut through the field ...and it was long, tall and deep with golden swamp grass... We scared up a few deer and never saw any bears, thank-goodness.

Luckily, I never lost Lynn in the grass. One had to be nimble to navigate the potholes underneath the grass.

The start of our walk...down Erindale Road..

Voila... the new vineyard, complete with page wire fence and beautiful gate. I think the planters of the vines are not aware that the fields around, abound with gophers...and the page wire will not keep them out! Maybe gophers don't like grape roots???

Once out of the grassy field, we made our way down to the lakeside, and then back to our beach.

We spent the a nice portion of the afternoon,s oaking our tired dancing feet in the hot-tub... and then Emil returned with this beautiful Dolly fish...about 4 pounds... Yum!

"The Creator"

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