Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday in the Bay

the "doc" Janice, getting funny for the photo!

check the moon was rising on our bonfire for a perfect evening!

Ann and Dick and Cheryl, talking over the political events of the world!..under te Harvest moon!

Silky, Spacedog,waiting for a handout!

Deb ,Anne and Dick's brother ,Tony..getting comfy for the weiner roast

My old garden sans fence

My new garden with fence and a NEW GATE!!!

Friends and neighbours gathered for a soiree around the bonfire before night fell..

What a beautiful sunny week-end! This is what we live for all year awesome September!
Emil worked diligently to build me two gates for my newly fenced lower garden, and I worked like a beaver to get the weeds out and to haul dirt in, so that I could begin to move plants from my old upper garden, to my new fenced garden. I have to say it is a labour of love that will entail a lot of grunt work yet. I did move two roses, and a honeysuckle and iris and a few other plants, but I still have some huge oldies to conquer,before I am even close to being done.This is the time to move them,so it has to be accomplished soon. Emil then wants to remove about six evergreens which we hope to be able to save, as the neighbours around us have already staked claim to most of them.Let me know if anyone wants a tree... We don't haul them!
We were wrapping up the gardening on Sunday, when Sheryl popped in for a surprise visit on her way back from Kaslo. We hadn't seen her for most of the summer, so that swas good she stopped. She is the rep that took over Emil's position at HEU.
We had invited Anne and Dick and Dick's brother, Tony, over for a weiner roast. Thus it became a perfect party after they arrived. Sheryl decided to stay for the weiner roast,so we hauled the food down to the beach and Emil lit the fire up.Deb and Ashley soon joined us and before long we were laughing and having a beer and roasting our smokies,when along came Janice M., the Doc, our friend from Balfour. She brought more food and so, the party grew!

The surprising thing is how fast the sun went down and how cool it quickly became.We loved the fact that it was a full harvest moon out, and it graced us by slipping out over top the nmountain and beaming down to light up the entire beach once it got higher in the sky.
Emil hauled out more logs for the fire and we all hovered closer to the heat. By ten, tho, everyone was full and freezing and ready to call it a night,so we said goodbyes and that was the end of a perfect Sunday!
Hope yours was just as fine,or even better!

"The Creator"

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