Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stan Ali Cup!

Friday night,we ate at a new pub in Princeton...called Station Pub, I think... just at the main intersection there... excellent food...yum yum!

Diane, Ali, Stan and Ashley. This was Friday night at the motel, as people arrived.

Ronda and John getting all ready to golf...or something!The lovely thing was that we had an anonymous donor pay for all the golf carts... pretty nice aye? We think it might of been Stan.

Our good friends, and always full of fun... Woody and Diane...

After the tournament,w e returned to the motel to sit around the non-campfire and play some music and sing and eat some more and drink some more

Held In Princeton, this was a tricky little course. Leo, on the left, and Ashley, on the right were my golf partners. I have to say that Ashley was a fine golfer that day, but I had a couple of winning shots myself!Leo came through like a charm too, so we all had fun...and came in third.It was that damn hole that we had to draw M&M's on...

After the game, the prizes were handed out amidst a lot of laughs, before, during and after... Now what was so funny here? We had a lunch and a little liquid refreshment...

Now this is where things started in the afternoon...Deb, topping off the Caesar with a little extra spirits...

The winners were tied, so they had to have a two out of three... Gerry, who was putting int eh pic...never Charlotte's team won!
Well, I have to close tonight as I am pooped and tired and all...despite sleeping for about 12 hours last night... oh my...
The sad thing is that my Sonia was here at the house for the whole week-end on a training sint for PEP and we essentially saw her Thursday night for a bit and in the morning on Friday... and then her and her workmates were on their way to the airportin Castlegar, while we were driving to Nelson... Thank-you Sonia for the beautiful bouquet of flowers and the dinner in the fridge...Awesome daughter!
So...tomorrow night I'll put up some of the photos that Ronda took on my camera after I went to bed! To keep it decent,we won't post the moon pics....but they were funny!

"The Creator"

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