Saturday, July 19, 2008

A beautiful Day for golfing Balfour

The water lilies were in bloom in the pond...very amazing and a brighter pink than the photo depicts.

Emil wondering where his ball went to...

Moi, Ashley and Deb..on the last hole

Ashley with fine form on 18....Face it, he had fine form on every hole!
What a day, what a day! The sun popped up into a clear blue sky and it stayed that way for most of the day! We golfed Balfour ( or should I say, that the other three golfed and I whacked and spanked the ball!) with Deb and Ashley for a fine day of being out on the course. It looked like I had forgotten anything that I knew about golfever, and went on to make everyone laugh as my ball went from one mud hole to the next! The course was a bit of a bog around every sprinkler area and I seemed to find every mudhole! Five feet away from me and I couldn't find my ball...Good thing that Ashley is a persistant finder...even came up with a new softy pink ball, out of one of the ponds. We walked the first nine, then carted the back nine...up all the hills. Good thing, because by then, the heat had soared to what felt like 35 *.
After the game, we returned to Deb and Ashley's and all hit the beach . Deb and I did get into the cold cold lake for a refreshing dip. Once you were in, it was fine! Deb cooked us a big dinner and so, the day went on and on, till we could neither eat or drink no more!
Emil is in bed and I am not too far behind. My skin feels a little roasted after many sun hours,,despite being slathered in 40 Uv blocker!

A message on my machine was for a call back to cousin Dale. He informed me that Lynn's dad, Bill Pierce, passed away after a long struggle with cancer. Our condolences to Lynn and Dale and Jennnifer and to Lynn's mom, who looked after her husband for many years. He was 84 years old. Lynn had been on the island, helping her mom for many week-ends now, as her dad got progressively worse. I am sure she will miss him dearly. Thanks for letting us know.

"The Creator"
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