Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My fisherman is Back!

Emil took our neighbour Stan out fishing today and they caught fish...Stan got two and Emil caught this Dolly VArden... Nice eh?

It looks a little like a wolf eel in this photo...about five pounds...nice We'll be putting half onto the BBQ tomorrow night when Janice comes for dinner!

Last night , the clouds broke away and revealed a little glow of sunshine on the mountain peaks...Now I realize that the spruces are growing so tall, that someday in the not too distant future I won't even be able to see the mountains.!

This morning I had a mini invasion of those tiny sugar ants....marching right up onto my counter!!!! Chipotle pepper doesn't deter them, nor does the Swiffer cleaning fluid, but a dose of Ant B gone, seemed to keep them out for the rest of the day. I stopped at Wal-mart and bought the very last two packages of ant traps, and another container of ant killer. Looks like I'll have a little project on my hands this week-end. Make that ANOTHER project!

My plants upstairs are probably dieing as we speak for lack of water... and my doggy woggy needs a bath big time, and all my plants need to be put into the plant pots...and then there is the onions to be planted... Oh my... and this week-end is Bill's one year anniversary since his death. Hard to believe aye? The nice thing is that we have become very good friends with Bill's daughter, Deb and her hubby Ashley and two of their daughters who live at home- Caitlin and Kristen. Caitlin is a good little hairdresser, who trimmed up my hair tonight. Certainly is nice to have a hairdresser living right next door!
Night night... I'll try to get some of Joyce's pics up tomorrow night, of Virginia and family,after her trip to Red Deer... HAve a great Thursday tomorrow...What? Yes, it is supposed to go up to 30*. The lake is supposed to rise 36 inches or so this week. It is back up to the deep end of the dock...Emil's new dock!

"The Creator"
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