Saturday, March 08, 2008

Look Up!

Its the Northern Lights! Wow!!!!

And then they glowed.....

I lightened this one up

Once again, contrasted to show off the display.

That was about 9:30 pm on Saturday night , looking straight across Kootenay Lake and up towards Balfour...

Joyce and I are off to see Uncle Paul and Auntie Mary tomorrow. Uncle, is in hospital now and not doing so well. I'll keep you posted.
Don't forget to spring ahead tonight... I already sprung my kitchen clocks ahead and now I need to do my radio alarm so that I can get to Joyce's at a ridiculously early hour...That will work best for us.TTFN.

"The Creator"
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Anonymous said...

Bea it looks like you Photoshopped those photos ha ha.

Very impressive. Who says you have to go to Saskatchewan to see the Northern Lights.

Buzzy said...

I did a bit of tweaking with Picasa, but they really did show up green in my camera...immediately! I love it!